
What do people who never get sick do(that we obviously don't)?

by  |  earlier

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My kids and I get sick quite often with head colds, sinus stuff, etc. Has anyone had the same problem and then made some change in their lifestyle (ie: eating habits, hygiene, etc.) that successfully prevents them from getting sick anymore?

PS It has nothing to do with allergies (we've already been down that road)




  1. Are you eating first class protein for healthy muscles and tissues ?

    Do you include oily fish for healthy mucous membranes.  Do you eat citrus fruits for 'Rutin' for healthy strong blood vessels. Are grains and cereals included in your diet for a healthy nervous system ?

    Do you visit a chiropractor for spinal adjustments ?  I've never seen an unhealthy one of them !

    I assume you know to use single use tissues instead of hankies and that hands get washed after blowing your nose.

    Andy you've got rid of the carpet !  Bare floor boards, vinyls, tiles whatever are much more healthy.  Just throw down a few regularly washed rugs where needed.

    Are you washing your sheets and towels in hot soapy water and putt them out to dry in  the sun ?

    Do you open your windows and raise your blinds every day ?

    Do you use steam inhalations to clear stuffy noses ?

    When I saw the opening line of your question I was going to answer  with "Lie" but I thought I'd give a few more ideas in the end.

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