
What do people with ADHD do about driving?

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are they allowed to? i have a minor case of ADHD but by the way i act and stuff, people think i have it bad. people joke around saying that i'm not going to be allowed to drive(i'm 15) when i'm old enough because i have ADHD and won't be able to focus on the road and will get into accidents. realistically, what is the situation for people with severe cases of ADHD? are they allowed to drive at all? just with their medication?

1. what is the specific situation regarding people with ADHD driving?

2. what is your opinion on this, why?




  1. yeah you can drive with ADHD, dont worry about it

  2. Oh My Gawd! I truly hate people these days! They think that people with ADHD a handicapped or something, Well let's see they are WRONG! But to answer your question yes of coarse you can drive. Even if you didn't have ur meds for 2090300000000000000000000000000000000000... years u could still drive. And that's the same w/severe cases of ADHD. My whole family has ADD and ADHD. My mom has ADHD severally and I mean it! My step dad has ADD and Bi-polar disorder  my Lil sis has ADD And i have ADHD Moderately. I sware i am going to make a protest someday anything! People are so *n annoying! I mean i know that they don't understand but still that doesn't mean that they have to build a stereo type and say that were different or challenged because were not! And it really hurts my feelings when people make fun of me and call me stupid cause that's defiantly NOT true! The only thing that is scientifically different is the chemical that is missing in our brains which makes thoughts run clearly and with the meds it replaces that chemical that is missing temporarily so we are "normal" Come one what is normal? SO normal is big gray blobs!?!?! Come one the world needs character! I mean Seriously people get a life and stop harassing the "different" people. GET A LIFE to all the rude people who forget that we have feelings lives jobs children and usually a higher IQ than the"normal" blobs (people without ADD or ADHD)

    Oh ya and chek out my profile u can e-mail me too if you want to talk about anything ADD related I can prob help

  3. i am adhd and ive been driving for 30 years.

  4. Where I come from (europe) there is no law against having ADHD and driving so you should be ok. I have ADHD and a drivers licence.

    However you are forgetting that ADHD is not only a sickness, but we also have some strengths that "normal people" don't have. Among those strengths is that ADHD people are often kinesthetic learners. Which means that we become extremely good at learning to do automatic things with our body or hands: meaning anything from dancing, or sports to cutting hair, doing art, playing instruments, drawing, and as I believe... driving.

    I am a good driver and have also worked as a professional driver, even though I'm a girl so you should be fine.

    If you are anything like me, your ADHD can bother you more over some periods than other, and if you feel that your adhd gets really bad, then don't drive that day, since your kinestetic learning ability makes you good at driving when everyone follows the law, but your ADHD makes you distracted and maybe don't notice if someone accidentally runs into the street without warning..

    Remember to drive carefully!

  5. I found this but at the same time I would not worry about it because it is just another study and a waste of money, you will do fine.

    Teenagers, especially boys, begin talking about driving by the time they are 15.

    In some states, a learner's permit is available at 15 and a driver's license at 16.

    Statistics show that 16-year-old drivers have more accidents per driving mile than any other age. In the year 2000, 18 percent of those who died in speed-related crashes were youth ages 15 to 19.

    Sixty-six percent of these youth were not wearing safety belts.

    Youth with ADHD, in their first 2 to 5 years of driving, have nearly four times as many automobile accidents, are more likely to cause bodily injury in accidents, and have three times as many citations for speeding as the young drivers without ADHD.14

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