
What do people with first hand experience of global warming say about it?

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Here are some I've found. Can others add more?

By the way, I think it's interesting that "George Smith, Climateologist" doesn't know how to spell climatologist. And that he feels the necessity to block scientists from answering his questions.




  1. Sorry its Friday, I'm feeling light hearted. . . .

    As far as I am aware the Dinosaurs didn't enjoy a similar occurence in their era and actually chose to give a negative feedback to the experience

  2. The consensus was quantified in a Science magazine study by Professor Naomi Oreskes of the University of California at San Diego.

    She surveyed 928 scientific journal articles that matched the search "global climate change" at the ISI Web of Science. None rejected the consensus that mankind is responsible for the rapid change.

    In fact, 75% of the peer-reviewed papers fell into a category "either explicitly or implicitly accepting the consensus view".

    Cited source below, more links from that page.

    If someone says 'FACT" and doesn't provide PROOF, how can you tell it from SPIN? You provided proof. Kudos to you!

  3. To answer your question directly, nobody has any first-hand experience with global warming because it hasn't happened anywhere, other than on a tiny natural scale.  If you disagree, would you please post a world location that is now hotter because of global warming?  Impossible!  

    The world's now in a cooling phase, and the 'mad scientists' who gave us 'global warming' have now run for the hills!

  4. How about global cooling the world is experiencing now? The global warmers can't seem to explain clearly on global cooling.

  5. The hypothesis is not that temperatures have risen, but if man is largely responsible.

    Let assume man is not responsible, cutting back on co2 will have no effect on temperatures, and industries hurt by the rise in temperatures will keep on hurting.

    Lets assume that man is responsible. Energy is the back bone of 20th century growth.  It has lifted hundreds of millions  of people out of poverty.  Most experts say that cutting back on co2 will have tremendous costs.  Cap-and-Trade Could Cost Average Family $10,800 in Lost Income.

    So the cost associated in fighting global warming is not worth it to save a ski resort.

    The Copenhagen consensus is a panel of the world's top economists, many of them Nobel Laureates.  They claim that even if AGW is true, it is far better to spend our resources to fight real problems in the world today, than hypothetical problems 100 years from now.

    Edit:  The Copenhagen consensus accepts the basic premise that AGW is real and that it will cause damages.  It just says that the resources needed to fight it is not worth it.

  6. The Earth has been much warmer and much colder(there's a cycle the Earth goes through) than it is today.Global warming is bull and the over 99% of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is from the Earth,not from humans.

  7. DJ:

    Gray isn't a climate scientist either, nor is he a specialist in radiative transfer, he's a hurricane forecaster.  And he *is* an old codger who got out on the wrong side of an issue and now can't admit he was wrong.  Hurricane frequency isn't increasing, but intensity is, and that increase is documented (google "emmanuel hurricane intensity").  Gray confuses the two because he can't admit he's wrong.  

    Similarly, his pronouncements about how anthropogenic impacts are a minor part of the observed warming are in error because he doesn't understand radiative transfer.  It is things like this that lead to his climate proposals being rejected.

  8. Global cooling has now negated the last 100 years of global warming.

  9. Interesting - Your post could also be titled "What do people who get paid to study global warming have to say about it?"

    What about the other scientist who study the climate but yet don't subscribe to the notion, like Dr. Wm. Gray?  Or do you just blow people like him off as 'Old Codgers"?

    We should note that in an interview 4 years ago, Dr. Gray said that in 3-8 years from now, the Earth would cool down again.  It appears he was more accurate then those predicting that the polar ice caps would be gone.

    So why do you choose to ignore some scientist and believe others?

    [Edit] Bob - Ski resorts brought in global warming experts to help them make profits during the winter because these experts were saying that there would be less snows at time went on.  Who well did that work?  How's the skiing in Colorado this year?  Did they help?

    Same with Maple syrup.  Sugar Maples need cold nights and warm days for the trees to produce sap.  If global warming happened, these people would have lost a lot of money.  There's no problem with people trying to protect their investments, however I doubt that the experts advice will be needed this spring.

    So what about Dr. Gray?  Why do you choose not to believe him while you believe others?  What subjective standard did you use to select which science you wanted to believe?

    Maple Syrup Farmers, Soil Scientist, and Ski Resort Owners are not climatologists.  Dr. Gray is.

  10. This study was not performed by or for ski resorts (to get people to ski? of the silliest conspiracy theories yet!), but the warming measured by sceintists in the Tahoe Basin, such as the shortening of the ski season and less of the precipitation falling as snow, certainly does affect ski areas and Northern California water supplies:

    -- Cold days are fewer: The number of days with average air temperatures below freezing has dropped from 79 days to 52 days since 1911.

    -- Nights are warmer: Night low temperatures have risen more than 4 degrees Fahrenheit since 1911.

    -- Less precipitation falls as snow: The percentage of snow in total precipitation has decreased from 52 percent to 34 percent since 1911.

    -- Lake water is warmer: The average July surface water temperature has increased almost five degrees, from 62.9 degrees F. to 67.8 degrees F., since 1999. The lake's surface waters were the warmest on record on July 26, 2006: 78 degrees F.

    source: UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center

    Lake Tahoe State of the Lake Report 8/15/2007


    About 25 million of us from New Mexico to California who rely on water and hydroelectric power from Hoover Dam could get a dramatic lesson in global warming in as few as 6 years as the dam could become unusable in the 2014 (10% prbability) to 2021 (50/50 chance) timeframe.


    There is no global cooling, but apparently someone wants to look silly several times over so they created multiple screen IDs to repeat the same misinformation (with no link to any supporting science of course, because support for the "global warming is over" myth doesn't exist).

  11. Unless you're "gelatin," it's quite obvious most people are experiencing the effects of climate change.

  12. if you mean it is their first time to hear the word "global warming" they will be confused at first. if you mean they knew something about it, they might be confused on which side they will favor on. that is just my experience when i only know a few things from global warming.

    Good Day!

  13. I've slowed down on going to various infamous sites.Instead I been reading blogs from Climatologist and Meteorologist. Most in the public domain will not make any references to GW/AGW for obvious reasons.I know they are blogs, but I get non opinionated views not found elsewhere.Often they will back up any conclusion by providing references/links.I like NASA,NOAA, and to some extent IPCC,but those sites have a lot of undigested material.I have also found that one will sometimes contradict the other, not necessarily a bad thing.The average (Joe) doesn't have the time, to sort through the information available.

    I'm lousy at both grammar and spelling,but I do take the time to use spell check.I'm not questioning anybodies credentials.It's now days you can procure a PHD online, and I know people that have done it.Will that make a scientist?


    edit:  Who's payroll is this guy on?  Must be some sort of evil Finlandian / Socialist / European conspiracy.  Maybe he gets free reindeer milk for life.

  15. I don't have to be a scientist to know that the world is going amiss, breaking all previous records for erratic behaviors like mega tornados, longest drought in India, Australia and flooding in Great Britain the likes of which never before happened. Now they have the sunniest period of February on record. Well anyway as the old saying goes you may lead a cow to water but you can't make it drink.

  16. I've never seen so many "top contributors" contribute to answering one question. It must be, and it is certainly, exceedingly important - which I'm only too sure it is.

    However how do we persuade all those selfish people of an age to carry on enjoying themselves (including me!) to do the right thing by their children, grandchildren and future generations?

    We have an inbuilt instinct to survive ourselves (particularly politicians who have the power!). How to we change ourselves before it is too late as it may be already.

    If anyone has a plausible answer shout,scream/act before we lose the world.

  17. Everybody has first hand experience with global warming. And nobody does. Everybody can just feel the weather. But global warming is WAY more that your experience of the weather. It takes thousands of people collecting data and compiling statistics to detect global warming and no one person can "experience" that directly.

    If you mean to ask what people who are professional climate scientists say, then just visit the real climate web page. "Climate science from climate scientists"

  18. its realy hard to separate global warming from natural variation in one or two cases but the trend is still worrying. global temps are increasing at an alarming rate and it should worry anyone that lives on earth.

    Dr Jello

    find me one source that shows the earth is cooling over more then a few years?

  19. If it is truely global, then it affects everyone, thus everyone has first hand experience.

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