
What do picky vegetarians eat?

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I'm a picky vegetarian. I like broccoli, carrots, califlower, spinich, lettuce, and of course fruits. But my main diet consists around the same things; cheese, cookies, and gummi snacks. Yes, i know i don't eat very healthy, but that's my point. Is there anything really healthy (and yummy :D) that i could eat? I do eat fish :[ (and i do feel horrible eating them) only cause i NEED protein. :< But is there anything that doesn't take a lot of time to cook, and something that is yummy?

Pleaseeeee help me.

:< I wanna be healthy again.




  1. i find that nuts are a good way to keep me going

    i just eat them as a snack and not all of them taste good!-

    but if you search a bit you should find something that tastes good

  2. Vegetarian Stir-fries are fabulous.  They are quick to make, nutritious and absolutely delicious.  You can also make them spicy if you want! (which really is the way they were meant to be made:P)  Just through in eggs, bean thread (really good noodle and cheap too!) vegetables like broccoli, carrots, peppers and cauliflower as well as soy sauce and spices.  Takes 5 minutes, 10 if your thick in the head.  Enjoy.

  3. are not a vegetarian.   Vegetarian&#039;s do not eat fish or any other animal for that matter.  Protein is found in many vegetarian foods including beans, whole wheat pasta and bread, peas, nuts etc.

  4. You might want to lose the gummi snacks.  They might not be free of meat products if they use gelatin, which I expect they do.  Gelatin is often made from animal products.  

    If you want something vegetarian and yummy, which might actually give you some protein, try the soy or tofu jerky (like beef jerky) at the natural foods store near you.  It doesn&#039;t seem like you can be bothered to cook.  

    Ever tried Garden burgers, or Boca burgers, or Morning Star corn dogs?  Those are all really good, can be microwaved and are healthier than what you&#039;re eating now.

  5. Sounds like you really need some help setting up a diet that is going to meet all your dietary needs - since you already know and admit that it is very much lacking.

    I suggest talking to someone that knows how to set up a proper diet - nutritionist/dietitian.

    They can take the foods that you already like and suggest other things to go along with them to help you set up a proper diet.

    They can even set up a grocery list for you to show you what you need to buy - new recipes that you will be able to fix - a support system that is local and easy for you to contact for needed help.

  6. No such thing as a fish-munching vegetarian.

    You would get plenty of protein if you would just substitute beans, nuts, tofu, seitan, tempeh, or whole grains for fish.

    You could take all those veggies, toss them with olive oil and spices, then roast them in the oven until browned.  Serve with brown rice and Bragg&#039;s or soy sauce.

    Make a cold veggie salad by boiling the vegetables for a few minutes in boiling, salted water, then drain and rinse with cold water until veggies are cool to the touch.  Add sesame oil, sesame seeds, some minced garlic, and asian chili sauce if you can find it.

  7. TUFO!!!

  8. Sorry, but you won&#039;t be a vegetarian until you lose the fish.

    We eat a lot of faux meat in our house.  You can use the ground &quot;beef&quot; style in tacos, sloppy joes, and chili.

    You can make whole wheat mac and cheese or soy cheese.

    You can make stir fry with brown rice and vegetables

    There is an endless list of things vegetarians can eat.  I am vegan.  I don&#039;t eat animal products and I still never go hungry.

    AND for the smart fellow who says that vegetarians smell, not only does our p**p smell better than omnivores, our bodies and sweat smell better because we are not eating all of those hormones and other weird things.  We can&#039;t help it if he only attracts stinky girls.

    Good luck and I hope you find some more things to eat.

  9. You&#039;re obviously more interested in what to call yourself than anything else :)

    Eating fish disqualifies you.  So you need to figure out which is more important to you, because if you eat fish, you might as well add some chicken to that and just be a normal person.

    And I know I&#039;ll get thumbs down for this, but you&#039;re better off eating chicken and eggs than gummy bears, if this is a health thing rather than moral.

  10. Here are some web sites with some great vegan/vegetarian food. -chocolate and chai flavors are good -they have chocolate!

    If you have a dog here is a site to get vegan dog food:

    Here are some good recipes:

    Stir fry- You need cut up tofu, soy sauce, olive oil, steamed veggies, and cooked rice

    Get a frying pan and coat it with olive oil. The put the tofu in the pan and brown each side of it. Next, add the veggies. Add a little soy sauce and put in the rice. Mix everything up and then let it sit on the stove, occasionally stirring it to make sure it doesn&#039;t burn. After about a minute and a half of that put it in a bowl and enjoy!

    Hummus- chick peas, lemon juice, paprika, cumin, black pepper, and any other spices/seasonings you like

    Puree the chick peas. Then add a little lemon juice, paprika, pepper, and other spices. Then stir. Serve with a pita, with cucumbers, or on a veggie wrap.

    Here are some snack and dinner suggestions:


    Celery with peanut butter

    Apples with peanut butter

    Pita with hummus


    Amy&#039;s Apple Toaster Pops

    All natural popsicles

    Natural Valley bars

    Fruit Leather

    Silk Chocolate Soy Milk

    Naked Juice

    Apple chips


    Tofu Stir Fry

    Amy&#039;s Pizzas

    Amy&#039;s entrees

    Sandwiches made with Yves meatless deli slices

    Tofu Scramble


    Natural Oven&#039;s bagels

    Dr. McDougall&#039;s Soups and Noodle Soups

    Soy Cheese Quesedillas

    Veggie Wraps

    Whole foods is a great store for vegetarians/vegans, so I recommend grocery shopping there. You also can get a lot of the things I listed above there.

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