
What do pizza places do with all the prank call pizzas that can't be paid for?

by Guest58860  |  earlier

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You know, when you're at your "friend's" house and you call in an order of 15 large pineapple pizzas and laugh when they arrive.. What do they end up doing with the pizzas?




  1. most pizza places have caller ID

  2. I dont know but it really is terrible that people do that to them.

  3. I guess they end up leaving them at the pizza shop and the employees eat it there after hours.

  4. They pass the cost on to you. Haven't you noticed the prices going up? It's not all ingredients!

  5. I heard they allow employees to eat or take them home or simply toss them.  I heard some pizza places will press charges, though I am not sure what happens.

  6. I used to work in a restaurant that took takeout and delivery orders.  Usually, the food gets eaten by the employees.  Or, if the food doesn't sit around too long and a similar order comes in, then it gets resold.  I am not lying!  It happens all the time.  Unless it's a super-huge order like 50 pizzas though, we eat it ourselves.

  7. I guess they end throwing them away or giving them to the employees and then writing them off as a loss

  8. They will be angry. More than likely they will be placed in the backroom and employees will eat them. I used to work at Pizza Hut (dine-in, carryout only) and if we had an order that was a mess up or they decided they didn't want it after they called it in, we got to eat it!

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