
What do ppl think about capricorns?

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What do ppl think about capricorns?




  1. I have a female friend whos a Capricorn and she's a lovely person.

    ... I'm a Pisces

  2. I used to associate with a Capricorn... he turned out to be very sneaky and secretive. He was cheating on me the whole time...

  3. who cares

  4. To tell the truth i don't really care about male Capricorns since i never i got to know one.But the females are really sweet in their own way, they seem very motivated and they are really nice other people. They are a shy and for some reason when i really get to know them i noticed that they really do hide secrets from other people even their family, a bit weird. And to tell the truth they seem a bit lonely since they never really open themselves.They always seem to get lucky and have some money.I noticed that their luck is pretty weird.

    Capricorns are great people in their own way.


  5. No different from any other person... Astrology is not real...

  6. i think they r fat

  7. I think Capricorns are very hard working and motivated. When it comes to their jobs it seems they put their career first. Their very persistant and don't stop until they reach their goal. Now this isn't every Capricorn out there but just the few I have known. As with every person character and personality have a lot to do with the placements in the natal chart. I'm a Sagittarius but my Rising sign is Capricorn. Therefore I'm a very, very persitant person that does not give up until I reach my goal. I stop at nothing to achieve what I set out to do no matter how long it takes and how hard it is. I'm very responsible when it comes to working hard for success. But it has to be worth it.

  8. Money makers of the zodiac

  9. i like 'em! haha well i am one but w.e

    we seem cold and like we're hiding alot, but if you get to know us you'll be surprised all the secrets we're hiding from the world. and we'll make you feel special and loved

    great people!

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