
What do pregnacy cramps feels like ?

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i moght be pregnant i am taking atest tomorrow last period was on 25 july and there on been trying i got really bad period pain cramps and it not my period because i get mine every other month and i have had all the other signs of pregnacy do you think that i am pregnant thanks xx




  1. When I was pregnant at first maybe a couple weeks it felt like a bubbling in my lower stomach it's hard to explain but I didnt get any period type cramps. and i was always sleeping a lot and i would gag over certain foods and it was hard to eat somethings because at the time my mom didnt know... but yes you could be pregnant!

    Good luck:)

  2. I didn't get any cramps during pregnancy, of course besides the contractions while in labor!

  3. It's like when having algomenorrhoea.

    Normally it's just really, really strong menstrual cramps.



  4. for me it felt like period pains but milder.

  5. They feel like period cramps.  I got them from the minute I was pregnant to about 11 weeks or so.  But I think some of the earlier ones came from taking clomid.  Worked like a charm the first time after trying two years.

  6. Myne feel like dull aching pains and some like stingy...

    everyone differs tho, my friend is having very painful ones and others dont get an at all

    take a test and ull know for sure.

    good luck

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