
What do pro rugby players put on there legs for lineouts?

by  |  earlier

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I play rugby and ive tried a lot of things to help with my lineouts and leg grip ive put electrical tape, but i always watch pros and they seem to pave like prowrap and it buldges out, i was wondering what this is and how i can do it for my lineouts




  1. It's just foam wrapped in tape.

    Nothing clever, just works well when it's put in the right place.

    Use an adhesive bandage to hold the foam in place. Then Electrical tape on top to hold that down.

    Just look at how any pro second row has it done.

    You can buy supports

    but I don't know anyone who preferrs these to the other option.

  2. 1st) of all the pros are using that new canteberry rugby pants that have grip on them so as their team mates can lift them in the air..

    2nd) if u want, get those ski pants that are short. rugbytech make them and they provide grip as well as stop the pants from chaffing your inner-thigh

    3rd) tape your thighs with insulation tape, this provides really really good grip.. use a lot to make sure the are which is lifted can be nicely grpped

    persnally i have tried the ski pants and the tape.. tape probably works the best cause it has a h**l of a lot of grip on it.. if u can get those pro rugby shorts be my guest but still tape your legs... the ski shorts work but i recommend tape

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