
What do professional ballet dancers really eat in a typical day?

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In the movies etc., they're always shown starving themselves- but how would they get enough energy to dance?




  1. lots of protein.. not much junk food. water.. haha you know, just what anybody who eats healthly would eat.

    but we definately don't starve ourselves

  2. well, they have to be light on their feet and in order to be light on their feet they have to have a light body. They must take B-12 shots and all be vegans. I saw this movie once about horse jockeys and how they all had to be weighed before they rode in a race and so they were all bulimic and would purge right before they were weighed. but I don't remember the name of the movie. I can tell you this though-it wasn't about ballet dancers.

  3. I'll let you know my diet

    I eat no more than 1200 calories a day, I try and stay below 800 but that rarley happens. For breakfest, I normally eat a low fat yogurt, a banana, or oatmeal.

    Lunch, I'll have a low fat soup or a sandwhich on double fiber bread, no mayo, sometimes more oatmeal or another yogurt.

    Dinner, whatever my parents make, they usually eat pretty healthy.

    I limit my snacks to low fat chips, apples, fat free popcorn, ect. I don't drink sodas, only when I eat out and then I drink diet sodas. Regular sodas are the worst thing for you! At home I drink green tea and water. Also when eating out, If I must order a burger I get a chicken burger, most of the time I just order a side salad.

    Only eat what your body needs to survive, no more. Your body can survive up to 2 weeks without food, all it needs it water, just remember that. Hunger is a state of mind.

  4. Carbs! And lots of it! You should also eat a reg diet. Just enhance the healthier food and decrease the junk foods. Um, water, gatorade, and vitamin water. All good choices. You can get more in the book: Ballet for Dummies. You should be able to get it at your local bookstore. I hope all of this helps! Oh, and one more book choice: Diet for dancers- A complete guide to nutrition and weight control. You need to get this from Discount Dance Supply. I think that you should buy both (they are really good). I hope this helps.

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