
What do protein shakes do.. do they have a side effects ?

by Guest55854  |  earlier

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What do protein shakes do.. do they have a side effects ?




  1. Protein shakes taste good (sometimes) they fill you up, they contain a heck of a lot of calories, and you do not need them if you are eating a good diet.

    You do not need extra protein if you are eating chicken or tuna as the body can only absorb so much, the rest is converted to fat or excreted out.

    It is also very expensive.

  2. Supposedly, they help you feel fuller without using carbs, and protein helps to build muscle, whereas carbs build fat.  Both are used for energy, but carbs will stay with you if you don't burn them off as energy.  Protein doesn't have side effects, you are supposed to discard what isn't used as waste (pee).

  3. well there are 2 types of shake slow and fast digesting you need fast first thing, pre workout and post workout but slow before bed.

    they provide your body with extra protein and calories required to build your muscles after a workout.

    there are no side effects

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