
What do psychics mean when they tell someone that they (the other person) are a "chosen one"?

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I've heard this said before and wondered what it meant...Chosen for what???




  1. Something to make you feel warm and fuzzy but still wondering and wanting to go back and ask them some more questions and pay them more money.

  2. It means you are meant to act upon the world in a significant way. There are some people that go through life, live, reproduce and die.

    They can be good or bad, they act and are acted upon. But there are those who are meant to have a greater impact. They are chosen spirits or more correctly they are spirits who have chosen to do so because they return to the world at a greater level of enlightenment because of their past life experiences.

    It is really a continuem. Some people have a little impact, some have more, some have a great deal. It varies.

    Another possible answer is that this is something most psychics are taught to say as a rote answer to you so that you will feel special and pay them their fee. That is also just as likely in many cases.... Afterall, if yu leave their office with a warm fuzzy about your "amazing uniqueness" then you are far more likely to recommend them to friends. Sorry but it had to be said.

  3. Everyone is chosen. However, a person hearing this feels important. A trick. Chosen means to get information from spiritual origin. O.k. The quality of this information may be very different, however.

  4. I have not met a psychic yet that had the intellectual capacity to research that line of thought and be able to discern by meeting someone if they fall into that category.  So I have to believe they're just tossing out "BS" in order to make themselves sound credible.

    There are some real psychics out there, don't get me wrong, but the vast majority of them haven't got a clue.

  5. So they can charge you more

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