
What do psychics now 'feel' happened in Portugal with Madeleine?

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Stuart B - rather than going around insulting posters on Yahoo, next time try reading the question properly. It was addressed to psychics and as you clearly aren't one maybe you'd like to move on and get a life yourself, thank you.




  1. So this is where you're hiding Dave.Can't fool us psychics.

  2. They've probably got their heads buried in the sand now.

  3. Psychics weren't helpful before in finding Madeleine, and there is no reason to think that they will be any more helpful now.

  4. if you get any answers to this question can you tell me what they said

  5. When I see these things on TV I some times get a impression as to what happened.  I felt strongly that she was dead by the hands of a child molester.  That was all I got.  That could be a stranger or a parent. Not much help is it.  I hope I'm wrong and she's alive somewhere.  Freddy from nightmare on elm st. comes to mind, but that's probably just my spin on a creep.

  6. Non have come out of the woodwork yet.

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