
What do psychologists really do?

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I am 14 years old and I want to look into being a psychologist. I love listening to people's problems and trying to help them with it. What's their main purpose? How long does it take to be a psychologist? What's their yearly salary? What subject do you need to major in? Please help me pursue my dream in becoming a psychologist!!!!




  1. well, a psychologists' main purpose is to help people through rough times, when they actually need someone to help them through. you could become a psychologist after 4 yrs, but i'm gonna go for 6. or you could become an actual Dr. by going for 8... obviously psychology would be a good major in college. but then what type of psychology? children, general, forensic, criminal, etc. figure out exactly what you want to do, then try finding the right classes.

  2. There are many different types of psychologists.  Go to and read about careers in psychology.  You will need 4 years of undergraduate training.  If you go on for a master's, which is the minimum you need to be licensed 2-3 years of graduate school.  A doctorate takes 4-6 years of graduate school.  In undergraduate you major in psychology.  You will have lots of time to decide if this is something you really like.  Psychology also involves understanding research methodology, and statistics.  Good luck to you!  (college psych prof)

  3. All you really need to do is say, "How does that make you feel?"

  4. They help people when those people can't help themselves.

    Obviously, if you don't know the real worth of psychology, then you've never had a real mental problem.

  5. psychologists are collecting money while the other talking about what they consider it as a problem.

  6. basically psychology is the study of human behavior and mentality. and how it relates to everything around them.

      Although psychology is helping people with their problems, its also important to understand WHY they have these problems, and where they come from.

      psychology is very much more questions than answers, and its ALOT of thinking. Alot of theories, and alot of thinking.

      If you're really looking into it, I say start researching now, see if your school has a class for it, and better yet an advanced class. it looks very good on college applications. if you're school does not offer a psychology course, than look into just buying books, or internet recorded lectures.

      However, if you do end up geting into psychology, be prepared for many hours of stressful studying and many years of college practice.

      Also, see what feild of psychology interests you the most.

      examples would be clinical, biological, criminal, and so on and so forth.

      Money can range from fairly decent to extreme highs depending on the location you work, such as hospitals, schools, and private offices, and also state. each state pays different salaries.

      However, the most common type of psychology to study in is clinical, which from what you've said, probably would be best for you. thats where you really get to help real people and study them. Clinical psychology alone, has the best salary located in Massachusettes.

      Good luck, and I hope this helps!!


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