
What do qualifacations would i need to be a paramedic and can you do it with out a driving licence (england)?

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sorry people i accidently posted in wrong section




  1. I still call them ambulancemen.

    Paramedics are highly trained dynamic American emergency respondents.

    The British "paramedics"are short fat guys with a first aid badge and a car that doesnt carry patients!

  2. try the 'direct entry'  which is to train as an ambulance technician and, later, take in-service paramedic training. Ambulance technicians (sometimes known as emergency medical technicians or EMTs) work alongside paramedics, often in patient transport for non-urgent cases, and help give immediate aid in accident and emergency situations. Entry requirements for ambulance technicians vary slightly between different NHS trusts, although most require a minimum of four GCSEs at A-C or equivalent

    Potential candidates will need to show evidence of the following:

    a caring attitude and outgoing, helpful personality;

    a responsible and highly motivated approach to the work;

    good communication, interpersonal and teamwork skills;

    the ability to be calm, quick-thinking and decisive in a crisis;

    good general fitness to cope with lifting patients and equipment;

    the ability to relate to a wide range of people from many different socio-economic backgrounds, races, religions and cultures;

    a commitment to ongoing professional development and education.

    Other requirements include:

    a clean, current, full driving licence held for a minimum of one year (often two), and preferably experience of driving vehicles carrying up to 16 passengers;

    a full criminal record check, fitness test, occupational health screening (normal colour vision and manual dexterity are important) plus medical assessment including eye tests (spectacles are acceptable);

    residence in the local area within an acceptable distance to travel to work

  3. there is an entrance exam

    i think they expect you to have some relevant experience in health care

    and yes, you need to drive

    check out the nhs site

  4. You need to be able to spell 'qualifications' and know about  capital I and E for England.

    It' d be a start, anyway.

  5. I have to agree, being able to write and spell correctly is an advantage. Most paramedics need a driving licence incase their counterpart becomes unable to drive. Having worked in A&E I have the utmost respect for these people, they are on the front-line of some of the most horrendous incidents. As to your Q, becoming trained in First Aid would be a start, you do not say what qualifications you already have, but a background in emergency medicine would be of significant benefit. You gave me little to work on, so apologies, but I cannot be more specific. Good luck in your chosen career. x In response to an answer above, physical fitness is relevent, but no one who works in the NHS is allowed to "lift".

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