
What do "pro-choice" people stand for?

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Do they think that abortion should be freely available to anyone who thinks "hmm I don't actually want this baby, I think i'll get rid of it" whatever their reasons or circumstances.

Or do they agree that it is a last resort which should only be an option in extreme cases - ie rape, mother's life in danger, baby has no chance of suvival etc.

And where do they draw the line between abortion and infanticide?




  1. It means you better hope the day never comes,

    when you lose your right to decide what's best

    for you, concering a decision that only you as

    a woman, has the right to make about personal

    and intamate functions, regardless of public

    opinion, that same opion btw. people in another

    instant is voiced by the so called tax payers,

    b****ing about having to support single mothers

    with children that they opted to have instead of

    abort, gee, where's the kudos for them, choosing

    not to be murderes as the bilble thumpers put it.

    what?  like your saying maybey in that case,

    abortion might have been more benifical to

    your tax dollars? . . .

    Guilt and intimidation, is not advocation . . .

    cause today it's about your body, tomorrow

    it could be about your mind and the choices

    you won't be allowed to make . . .

    " What do "pro-choice" people stand for? "

    I don't know and i don't care, i'm my own

    person, i don't take sides cause i beleive

    there's always a solution, but then people

    don't want solutions, and it only stands

    to reason, whatever would we do with

    ourselves? if we could'nt hate and fight

    with each other the way we constantly

    do, imagine our boredom with life, as i

    read so nuch about on these web sites.

    I do know if i were a women i'll be damned

    if i 'd let anyone tell me what's best for me

    by means of name calling and cohersion,

    and what ever another woman wanted to

    decide, i would have the intelligence and

    respect not to judge her realizing the

    personal nature of the decion she has to make.

    and i certainly would'nt be a crowd follower

    either, having s*x just because every one

    else does it as though it were a prerequisite,

    toward some degree to be earned for entrance

    in some club or organization. i'd educate myself

    not to mention my self respect as a woman,

    and not act like a s**t in the first place, as so

    many do today and then whine about the

    consequences and of corse as usual,  

    everything's the guys fault, what ever hapen

    to just say no, or has that become an

    politicaly incorrect word in todays society?

    btw . . . no reflection on you with the s**t remark,

    just making my case as to how i would handle

    my situation if i were a women, and to women in

    in general i understand the rape and incest type

    of implications, my main gripe is the freedom of

    choice issue, and no one has the right, male or

    female, to comfiscate that right from another and

    as for the unborn child, that's her domain no one

    elses, by the natureal law of life and death itself.

    intruders need not, apply . . .

    take care . . .

  2. Pro choice is a fancy name for:-  "I have the choice whether to murder my unborn child or not"

  3. pro-choice people think they have the godgiven right to murder an unborn child if the pregnancy interferes with their lifestyle. you don't have to be religious to see that abortion is wrong. i have seen pictures of terminated babies at different stages of development AND they are not a mass of cells (as prochoice would have you believe)these are pictures of children who were torn from the womb in bits or look like thy have been horribly burned. I know that there are circumstances where people may justify abortion. There are no cases these days were the mothers life is in danger. And if the pros think there is, if there is danger to the mothers life it is in later pregnancy then the mother is monitered and if the risk is high the baby is induced and given a fighting chance of survival. My last comment is for the victims of rape. It must be horrendous. there are millions of people who cannot have children and who are desperate to adopt what greater way would it be to turn your nightmare into a lasting gift to a childless couple

  4. I don't exactly label myself as "pro-choice" but for me it completely depends on the circumstances. Every case is different. What I don't agree with is someone not having a baby simply because it's not the right time for them, they are financially stable and in a relationship but don't want children until later. But in the case of rape, endangering the mother's life, a high risk of the baby being severely disabled or not surviving it's absolutely fine. I think it's unfair on both mother and child to bring a baby into the world if you can't support it or don't want it.

    And I don't agree with it past the age that the majority of babies can survive outside of the womb.

    People seem to think that when women do have an abortion it's just a flippant decision, like "Oh I can't be bothered, just kill it", when they don't realise how tough a decision it really is to make.

    Don't think I could ever personally have an abortion but it's not fair to judge women who do unless you know the full situation.

  5. Pro - choice stands for those to have the CHOICE to have an abortion, which could be for any reason

    there are already laws in place to decide the ins and outs i.e how old the foetus is, health risks, and accidental pregnancy

    ...either way an abortion is never an easy decision to make and whoever goes in for one would surely not make the decision lightly... it's a bit silly and naive to think that people would take such a huge emotional and health risk so lightly.

  6. what a loaded, blatantly reactionary question. No answer given could influence your rabid mindset.

  7. I can't choose for someone else wants they do with their bodies. It shouldn't be my choice.

    But I am pro-education. I'm certainly NOT pro-abortion.  

  8. I consider myself pro-choice, but I would only accept it as a last resort, where the baby stands no chance of a decent life (and that would extend to where the mother would die). Most people who have abortions do not do it lightly. I completely and utterly disagree with people stupid enough to get pregnant and then leave it 4 months before terminating it for no good reason. It's such an emotive issue. I myself would never have an abortion but I appreciate that there are circumstances where it is a very valid consideration. I do wish that more people would choose adoption over termination though - there are so many potentially loving parents out there who could give a child everything it needs.

  9. It means they support the women's right to choose.  I would probably never be able to have an abortion but i totally respect that some women might and it's their body and their right to choose - no one else's.  If you (not you personally, but people in general) believe in a God, then let your God be the judge of these people and you mind your own business!

  10. I am pro-choice and where I stand is that I personally could never have an abortion. At the same time, I don't have the right to choose for someone else, nor do I know their circumstances. I know that if the morning after pill hadn't been available when I was raped at 12, my situation would have gone from traumatic to unlivable. The bottom line is, it is not my choice or convictions that should determine what another woman chooses to do for whatever reason.  

  11. Despite the obvious bias in your question, I'll give you an answer.

    'pro-choice people' stand for the right of women to choose the option to termnate a pregnancy, if they feel that is the best option open to them.

    Abortion is not infanticide, it is the termination of a process that could lead to a birth. It is no more an act of infanticide than male masturbation.

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