
What do "you do" or "can do" as an individual to fight corruption in India?

by  |  earlier

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There are simple ways to fight corruption like refusing to pay it, expose the corrupt thru simple means like inform news papers, TV channels or take cell phone video/photo of them and publish in web sites or pass it around, boycott their service, availing any govt/private service only thru legal means/right way, not breaking the law/rules .........

Corruption is the the biggest menance in India at all levels of the society regardless of whether it's a public or private service. Corruption also comes in all forms & sizes like capitation fees/donation to get admission in profesional colleges/schools, train ticket checker, politicians, goverment organizations, police, courts, electricity / water / sewage / telephone services, .....




  1. AS an induvidual everybody in Inia must not give bribe. Even  your work get delayed you must go through proper channel.

    If a gont.employee rejects your application get it corrected ten times. In that way you will be femilier with all rules and regulations too.

    secondly try to stop the person who is offering bribe.For example if you are buying a house, evreybody should tell your

    biulder that you will bear the cost of delay and he should not pay the bribe to get the approval.

    can anyone will try to start this momentum? I hope somebody will do it and i could see this in my lifetime

  2. why dont you inform the news papers, tv channels and take pictures of "corrupt behavior" thru your cellphones

  3. You print whoever is telling.

    You don't check.


  4. India has a huge population. Why not use to gather mass support for all the issues that concern you and demand that your represetantives support the majority view. Only when a majority can demand will politicians start to take notice.

  5. since i am not Indian ..I don't give a rip!!! But I would sure like to see you guys drop some nukes on your neighbor to the north!!

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