
What do rabbits eat?

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I want to know of a balanced home made diet that a rabbit can eat.




  1. rabbit will eat anything that i long as they able to chew

  2. green leafy plant stuff that you find outside.

  3. oats, carrots, hay, grass, pellets, and like fruity mixes  

  4. Rabbits eat rabbit food and just about any vegetation. Grass, veggies, clovers, leaves. Also the like seeds and oats and that kind of stuff.

  5. Rabbit food, fresh vegetables, grass...

    I have a rabbit and we sometimes give him a little toast. No kidding. He has toast about once a month (no butter though).

  6. The sad/boring truth is that you should probably get your bunny a bunch of those green pellets that they sell in the pet store.  

    Lettuce is ok to feed them, but it isnt good for them to "live on".  Carrots are actually not good for rabbits (especially alot of carrots or carrots to young rabbits).

    If you have alfalfa growing in your area, pick a lot of it and give them that.  Make sure they at least always have some green pellets as a last resort and try to add in some fresh greens a couple of times a week at least.

    If you feed carrots, watch for constipation, if you introduce random vegies, watch for diarrhea.

    Find bunny a little salt l**k, make sure he always has clean, cold water......and he is set.

  7. they usually like lettuce, celery,carrots, and sometimes they like biscuits!

    Don't forget the water make sure it's not too cold or not too hot they like there water luke warm half water half hot and another thing groom them well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. cold fresh lettuce, apples, carrots but not soley! you give it as part of their daily diet with the boxed food.

  9. They eat baby rabbits, so this is the wrong topic.

  10. lettuce, apples, raisins and CARROTS

  11. Lettuce ,carrots, rabbit food perhaps

  12. Try This

  13. they eat people

  14. lettuce and cat food !

  15. Rabbits eat vegetables, but this is in the wrong category.  You need to go to pets and ask this.

  16. they can eat guinea pig food(it is usually for guinea pigs and rabbits) grass lemon leaves dandy lions hay and most other plants but make sure they are not trees or they will probably get ill  fruit and  vegetables for example sprouts, carrots potato peelings (they have to be cooked)  

    also be careful that you know where you got your stuff from make sure that not to many animals have been threre or else they could get

    myxomatosis like my rabbit did

    hope this helps  
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