
What do radical feminists hate more about Sarah Palin...?

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The fact that she brought a Downs Syndrome child into the world, or the fact that she's drop-dead gorgeous?

Disclaimer: I am not saying that all feminists are radical. I am just asking about the high-strung lunatic fringe here, not the rest of you.




  1. Right, because all "radical feminists" think that Downs Syndrome children should be aborted, and hate attractive women...ya know, because all those radicals are hairy flannel wearing lesbians...who go around aborting Downs syndrome babies.

    Do you know what radical feminism means? Do you even know any "radical" feminists?

    I'm not a feminist, I just hate it when people make extremely ignorant and hateful statements about things they have no clue about.

    @ Colonel Rebel  

    OK, so you know some radical feminists (you think). Are they all about aborting Downs Syndrome babies and hating on attractive women? Enlighten us.

  2. her hair-do

  3. Probably her betrayal of her gender to male hegemony...

    Anyways that's what a good feminist would say.

  4. her looks  

  5. This won't go over well...

    Betty Jennings and person above her (mostly Betty)- I've personally met a few radical feminists.  There are actually a few on here.  I'll withhold names to protect the guilty.  They do exist.

    I knew someone wouldn't actually read the question.  That's why I answered like I did on the first line.

    Person below me- I've seen more than a few people on this very website advocating the abortion of babies with defects, and they're not all even radical feminists.  And since feminists are often the ones who are most adament about being pro-choice and abortion rights for women, I'm assuming they're most likely to advocate abortion of babies with defects.  

    As for the beauty thing, that was kind of a low-blow.

    I KNOW they were radical feminists.  They weren't for equality at all, but rather beating all the oppressive men into the ground, and weren't shy about it.  Most of them were in college, although I can think of at least 1 who I've known outside of college.  Thankfully, they are few and far between.

    Why I don't find this question that offensive (although the good-looking crack makes no sense no matter how you turn the question):  I've seen many questions on here which say something along the lines of "Why do misogynists (fill in the blank)."  There is pretty much never an attempt to define misogynists, either.  At least Meghan defined who her question was aimed at.  Somehow silly questions (I do admit this whole question is silly, even if I'm not offended by it) by feminists about "misogynists" are okay (which usually means 90% of male users on here), but silly questions by non-feminists about radicals who are explicitly defined as a few are just terrible.  

    But then again, I almost never see feminists really, truly giving everyone that "equal treatment" they love to spout off about on here.

    I've been called a misogynist by more than one person here for simply stating that I believe women should be judged by the same standards as men.  I thought that was a feminist belief.  Meanwhile, on here there is a feminist-very well respected by many, I might add- who has more than once voiced her opinion that men should have fewer rights than women in certain areas, and I have yet to see any feminist call her out on it.  So I'm sorry, but this whole equal treatment c**p is just, well, c**p.

  6. You don't have to be a radical to have grave doubts about Sarah Palin.

    It's great that she chose to bring a Downs Syndrome child into the world.

    Key word: Chose.

    How about letting the rest of us do that?

    As for her looks, I'm too busy staring at Obama to care. Glad he's on our side!

  7. What radical feminists are there that are alive right now to hate anyone? I fail to see what Palin having a child or her looks have to do with feminism or radical feminists. Many feminists are pro-choice so they would be glad Palin had the choice to have a child. Many feminists are very attractive, so what does it matter what Palin looks like? Your question doesn't make any sense other than show your stereotypical thinking about feminists, that they must be radicals who are ugly and don't like children? You need to get out in the real world and you'll find out the radical feminists are a fantasy of the right-wing (and a fantasy of a few loony anti-fems who hang out here in YA la-la land).

  8. If you're looking for opinions from the high-strung lunatic fringe, you won't find them here.

  9. I dont hate Palin...She knew she was going to have a child with down syndrome and she still brought that child into the world! More power to her for being able to handle something like that! It was still HER CHOICE! I just hate McCain for being anti-female everything then trying to capitalize on Clintons votes by bringing a woman in as VP.

  10. You think she's drop-dead gorgeous? You don't have very high standards, do you?

    She's attractive, that's it. Either way I don't see what a person's level of attractiveness has to do with feminism. Or are you one of those "femists r oglee and harry, two. I think ther lesbans. eww."

    Don't ally yourself with the mental deficients, and buy into their ignorant rhetoric. Have a mind of your own.

  11. I think it's wonderful that she brought a Downs Syndrome child into the world.  And I personally don't find her drop-dead gorgeous - but then I've only seen her in person once at WalMart, and she was obviously frustrated with a child that day.

    Then again, I'm not a radical feminist.  But since the Palin announcement this morning, I will vote democrat this time around.

  12. Are there any radical feminists on this board? Lol. Am I a radical because I'm pro-choice, think parental leave should be equally split and the woman shouldn't necessarily take the man's name after marriage? Good heavens.

    Yes, she's attractive - so what? And so long as the child receives proper care and attention, that's her business. I don't know anyone with Down syndrome and haven't studied it much so I don't feel I can judge their quality of life.

  13. shes drop dead gorgeous? then im like pam anderson 20 years ago

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