
What do ravens eat?

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What do ravens eat?




  1. Ravens are scavengers, they eat road kill, garbage, insects or just about anything that they can stomach.

  2. When beef cattle are calving outside, they like to land on the newborn calves when they're too weak to move and eat their eyes and tongues, then leave the calves to die. Most of the time the farmer has to shoot the calf to put it out of it's misery.

  3. They are omnivorous eaters, preferring to scavenge, but able to kill when necessary.  They prefer carrion - dead sheep, cattle, rabbits and fish, but will also eat nestling birds and eggs, rodents, shellfish, insects, seeds, berries and grain.  They have been known, in Greenland, to hunt and kill ptarmigan in flight, and to kill puffins emerging from their burrows.  Ravens will also hide and store food for later use.  Near human habitations, they boldly scavenge in garbage dumps and for slaughter house scraps.

    In northern regions they have been observed to hunt cooperatively with wolves.  Ravens will alert wolves to prey, wait for the kill, then feed.  Wolves and ravens have also been seen to engage in playful behavior with each other, ravens swooping down at the wolves, who will chase them playfully.

  4. Common ravens have a varied diet and will eat almost anything that is edible. This may include small animals such as lizards and frogs, seeds and insects. They will also feed by scavenging on dead animals.

  5. same as crows only more ,they eat anything ,dead animals,organic trash ,crops .insects ,basically scavengers

  6. Like most birds, whatever they find. Usually garbage.

  7. raven food
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