
What do real Army (military) wives think of "Army wives" on TV?

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I wonder how much the show gets the reality. Any thought?




  1. Im an army wife too and no its nothing like the show. I wish sometimes though I would love to have some awesome friends like that instead of the freaks that live around me now lol

  2. I agree with Steph.  I'm and AF wife, but we live in an area with a lot of Army too.

    I don't watch it regularly.  It's a TV show.  There are some things that are just WAY off, like the commander's wife hanging out low ranking enlisted wives.  And it is getting more lifetime this year than last year.  

    It is just a TV show and that's what civilian's need to understand.

  3. well I am a wife of a retired Navy man and we lived all over  and I have to tell you we lived like normal folk and I say its all a crock of SHITE

  4. I am an Army wife, and I do watch the show sometimes.  I will say that the episodes last year were not as ridiculous as they are this year.  It is nothing like my reality.  Maybe little bits here and there are similar, but overall the show is becoming a joke.

  5. Well.. I rle don't know any army wives that watch it for the simple reason that if they make it seem like something it isn't.. then we are goin to get mad. We have so many other things going on in our life and why would we have to watch someone go through it "hollywood style" when we are right here living the real thing.  

  6. well, i'm in the air force myself currently, and i'm an ex-fiance to an army guy, so i've been there both ways.  its just a tv show:  it's just hollywood.  they dramatize things, everyone has their own lives.  and the other person is right:  brigadger general wives usally don't hang out w/ the wife of a private, and vice versa.  

  7. i dont no ny 1 who as an army wife so i cant help

  8. 9 years as a navy wife I never knew of anyone who was cheating

    there is a lot of politics

    but mostly the other wives were really decent people

  9. I'm an army wife and I really didn't like the show.  It's nothing like the real "army wife" world.  But, I work and have a life outside the army and I don't live on post.  

    The army wives I know (including myself)  live NOTHING like the silly TV show. Frankly I think the tv show is irritating and boring.. I've tried to watch it twice and couldn't sit thru it.

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