
What do recommend for enhancing childrens creativity and creative expression?

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What do recommend for enhancing childrens creativity and creative expression?




  1. 1. Singing and dancing to music with children

    2. Coloring, painting, ( arts and crafts)

    3.Reading a good book and asking your child questions bout the book.

    4.I think making learning fun, sparks creativity in their little minds.

  2. Let kids be kids. Learn to ask open ended questions and teach your child divergent thinking

  3. Give them a cool topic and have them write you a one/two paged composition on it...and drawing a picture to go with it.

    Such as: If I were invisible for a day I would...

    There is nothing more creative then imagining a story.

  4. leave them on their own in a room full of 'opportunities'. observe secretly. act in the direction of thier interest

  5. art is a great way, find out what type they like the most and take them to a studio and buy them ice cream before you do it so they remember that they had a good day, then they will rember what they did that day

  6. Have the children do art projects, which enhances creativity.

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