ive had dreams like this almost every night, and they're scary, cuz the skies are all dark, and theres always 2 airplanes that crash between 50 and 100 yards away from me in my dreams. it happens more than once during the dreams too, and there's always big flames that reach up towards the skies after the planes crash, and the skies are always red and dark, and its announced over the news and the radio, but no one else ever believes me in my dreams when i tell them about it. the crashes are always close to where im standing, like i said earlier, and i try to run from them, but the planes are always there, almost every night.
sometimes i walk around town at night when i cant sleep, and sometimes i see airplanes flying out of the airport or towards it, and it always brings back those dreams and i almost panic, and i really wanna know why i have these dreams, and what the airplanes symbolize.