
What do reptiles like a house gecko eat.?

by Guest56642  |  earlier

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what do reptiles eat. i want to know what a house gecko eats




  1. They eat insects,like:




    and just about any bug

  2. crickets, locusts, wax worms, meal worms and most other insects

  3. I had a house gecko and now i have a lepard gecko so i know what they eat.Try crickets or meal worms.If the house gecko is a baby get the small crickets.And NEVER get super worms.Their bad for the gecko. If your gecko is not a baby and you want to feed it the large crickets heres a rough estamate how you can tell if the gecko is to small to eat large crickets. The cricket should be smaller then the gecko's head. Make sure you take out any uneatencrickets for when the gecko is asleep the crickets will start climbing on the gecko and start to eat it. One last thing don't put down sand as flooring the gecko may eat it then die because it cant digest it. Hope this helps.

  4. Crickets, mealworms, or occasionally waxworms because they are fattening. My leopard gecko ate mostly mealworms.

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