
What do rich kids do?

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do their parents support them throughout their lives?

some of the ones i know are going to get dead end degrees, and don't talk about future plans.

my older brother's gf is in 3rd year uni, and still doesn't know what she wants to do. her parents are well off.

what happens to these people?




  1. im sure it depends on the person like the other person said...some will probally be totally dependent on their parents and others may not take much from their parents at all and get rich by just working hard themselves

  2. depends on the person: how much ambition/goals and responsibilty they have.

    Some may become teachers. Others may go to community college for some practical specific job skills. Other may find a  job that doesnt have specific education requirements. Others may be partially dependant on their parents their whole lives.  Hard to say really.....I know a few people who have made themselves independantly prosperous without any post secondary education (but have also worked extremly hard to get there).

  3. they end up answering stupid questions on Yahoo! Answers.

  4. drugs or support themselves or bums
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