
What do salt water/ocean snails eat?

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What do salt water/ocean snails eat?




  1. It depends on the species,  Herbavorias specices eat algae and plant matter,  carnivirous species eat animal matter (meat)   We would need to know the species to be more specific  

  2. Some saltwater snails are vegetarians, and some are carnivores.  It depends on the species.  The vegetarian snails eat plants and algae, and can sometimes be fed with algae wafers.  The chestnut turbo snail, for example, can be fed with dried seaweed.  

    The carnivorous snails are kind of cool, and need to be fed differently depending on the species.  Not all of them eat the same meat, and not all of them eat meat for their whole lives.  Cowrie snails, for example, eat vegetable matter when they're small and soft coral, sponges, and anemones after they've grown larger.  Fun pets  :)  

    Here's a nice webpage with more information for you:

  3. What kind of snails? some eat algae others eat more of a carnivorous diet.  

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