
What do scientists really think about Religious people?

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Like the really religious people who live their life of rituals and prayers (church, communion, flocking to a rock, etc...)

Just tell me how you feel, take it all out on me. I just want to know.





  1. Scientists get annoyed when religious people try to disprove evolution as if that proves their view of creation is correct.

    Evolution false does not equal religion true.

  2. I agree 100% with Debbie C.

  3. they think that these stupid idiots looking to the sky for help are getting in the way of solutions to problems that man can make. and they probably hate that when science has to explain something they do careful research and give a long but logical answer, but when religion has to answer a question all they have to say is "because god wanted that way"

  4. Many scientists are themselves religious.  Many theologians were once or still are scientists as well as many additional and differing professionals.  

    J. Robert Oppenheimer, the lead physicist of the "Manhattan Project," which planned, created, and the deployed the two atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the 2nd World War, was himself a man with considerable spiritual conscience and did during and soon afterward chagrin nuclear weaponry deployment.

    There is no foregoing truth that scientists hold religious people as off side or kooks.  If, however, we employ a more friendly turn on the word 'religion' and substitute it with the word 'spirituality', then we may observe closer to a unanimous vote in favor of the ideas on religion as opposed to the contrasting opinions and views.

    Settle this for yourself.  Here's a process:

    Do a study for yourself: visit a variety of places of worship -- try several differing faiths, spanning several Sunday mornings or Friday evenings or any noon days, stretched over a wide demography of several different religions and ask of the pastor or imam or rabbi or bishop or lama if you may perform a survey in each.  You might find a conclusion that you can finally rest your question about this.

    Having studied the sciences myself, I never felt or thought that any contradiction or unrest or confliction with studying science and employing scientific methodology existed against religion wholesale.

    Abiding scientific principles and practices is in itself a neutral thing, and is no less a part of the God worlds and ways, no less an ally than others where the intentions are noble ones, on which many a citizen could not so comfortably worship their respective faiths were it not for the gratuities availed that science accorded them.  

    To be scientific does not presume to be at once parochial as well.

  5. Well, most of the scientists and engineers I work with believe in God and are religious, church-going folk.

  6. to be honest i think that they are entitled to their own beliefs.

    what i do hate is people who preach at me or try and convert or pray for me. I am not religious but i respect their beliefs why can't they respect mine?

    and this is not jsut a religous thing i hate athiests who preach as well, i think what i dislike the most is fundamenalism whether it is religous fundamentalism or athiest fundamentalism.

    let people believe what they want  it has nothing to do with anyone else.

  7. fools,fools, fools,

  8. I don't think I can say I represent all scientists but as an aspiring scientist, here are my views.

    Religion vs Evolution is really pointless. Fundamentally, there is no proof as to which one is really correct.

    Having said that, I do not like extremely religious people at all. I think their views are corrupt. When I say corrupt, I don't mean "Thou shalt not lie" is corrupt, but how they interpret and initiate their religion. These religious people spend way too much time trying to disprove other religions and evolution. They spend so much time on that, that they do not convert people to their religion! All they do is make people angry and hate their religion more and more!

    Also, if a religion says 'you should do this,' I think they should be allowed to do it (such as flocking to a rock). However, this should only be allowed between confirmed members of the religion.

    Overall, I think having a religion is a great thing. I believe that the majority of religions teach morals and that raises good people. However, once again, some people do not use those morals properly.

  9. This question ignores the detail that many scientists are religious people, and some of them qualify for your "really religious people" category.  When dealing with science, scientists usually couldn't care less whether somebody happens to be religious or not.  What matters is do they know what they're talking about, and is what they're saying of interest.  Should they also happen to be planning to attend a mass woship event for the followers of the purple unicorn at the weekend, then that doesn't actually matter.

    Although not a scientist, what I think about really religious people varies depending upon the people and what they do.  Faith helps some attempt to move mountains that should be moved, and that can be heroic.  Others feel inclined to have themselves theatrically and unproductively martyred in some way or rather, and that strikes me as being silly.  Most are somewhere between the two.

  10. A scientist can be religious. Some of my professors are very religious. I'm a Christian...

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