
What do scorpios like and dislike about sagittarians?

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What do scorpios like and dislike about sagittarians?




  1. oh here we go again! nothing on a friends level... but love wise us scorpios want it to be deep, we know that if we date a sagittarius there will be some major lacking- as though somethings always missing... no real connection, id have this the grass is greener wonderment if i dated a sag.... that's relationship wise who gives a you-know-what friends wise!!! friends are much easier to deal w. to me whatever i dont like about sags there are just as many things that i dont like about other signs equally

  2. ha, my two best friends are Sags! And i'm a scorpio. Well the thing i like about them is that their really fun. Like i can have a good laugh, but also that it seems that all they like is fun, they never seem to see the deeper side of things. And this is the biggest thing i don't like about them: they say one thing and do another! For example, they will say they are good people and be like "I won't ever get jealous if a girl flirts with my boyfriend, i won't dump him just for that." But then when a girl does flirt with their boyfriend they go crazy! It's like they forget what they say, but i don't. They don't really have standerd ground and principles like scorpio's. It drives me crazy. But they're my best friends because i can trust them--at least one of them. And they do stick by my side. But of course i'm kinda the outsider in the friendship. I seems i attract a lot of sags, though. Werid.

    Oh yeah, i think their too optomistic. I mean the world isn't always flowers and chocolates. They asoid negativity. When i'm down or negative they accuse me being so "down," like they've never felt that way before. It's like they avoid it at all costs.

    Another thing is that their so open. They can spill out all their secerts. I can never do such a thing.

  3. I like that they're fun, playful, sensitive, adventurous, hilarious, and naturally optimistic.

    The only thing I don't like about them is that they are too independent. I doubt they would ever willingly settle down into one relationship.

    Sun: Scorpio

    Rising: Gemini

    Moon: Saggitarius

  4. scorpio is all about the hidden. they're about taking subtle action, plotting, tact, mystery, using the truth they know when appropriate...

    sagittarius is all about getting it out in the open. if sags see truth they yell it out and don't care who's listening or who it's offending. they don't have much tact, they just want honesty, and freedom to express that honesty.

    see how that conflicts?

  5. Scorpios like the happy go lucky nature of Sagi and dislike the undiplomatic behavior of Sagi coz Sagi cant keep any secrets to themselves!!

  6. I'm a Scorpio and I admire they're confidence and love for exciting activity. When I'm bored, I always look for my Sagittarius friend and we have a lot of fun together. I like everything about Sagittarians except for one thing...I have noticed that many of them avoid dealing with negativity at all costs, which can sometimes be a dilemma. I can't talk to them about bad stuff...I can only discuss the good things with them. I love their sense of humor, their ability to play around, and be cheerful, but occasionally it's a bit too much for me.

  7. How the h**l can anyone answer this question?  No one can determine what one particular sign likes/dislikes about another sign.  You should've just asked, "What do you like/dislike about Sagittarians".

  8. you cant tell them anything b/c they tend to have a big mouth and blurt it out....and they make stupid decisions with there love interests...but they have big hearts and they tend to be gullible b/c of this...overall they dont mean harm

  9. There isnt a whole lot that i dont like about sagittarius, BUT they can sometimes play a little too much, thats pretty much the only thing. I admire their generosity though and i like their sense of humor. I think theyre the ones i can stand..........for the most part, because ive met a few that i'd rather kill than share a joke with.

    sun/scorpio. moon/sagittarius.

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