
What do skunks smell like?

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What do skunks smell like?




  1. It is so hard to describe and i have tried many times. When you get it up close, it's chemically smelling as if something is burning but from further away, it has a bit of citrus undertones. It's a complex smell that definitely does it's job well.

  2. It's indescribable. It makes you sick, it's hard to breathe and it smells like death on an oily motorcycle.

  3. Well, the scent is sulfer based.  so if you can imagine a burnt match mixed with a 3 or 4 day element exposed rotting corpse.  

    They have two glands on the rear which can shoot to 15 ft and they are actually quite acurate.  They usuall aim for the eyes of the agressor or enemy, but also can emerge a mist which will envelop the whole body.

  4. roses

  5. jordan perfume!

  6. bloody terrible!

  7. From personal experience, I would best describe the odor as smelling like rotten eggs, and burning rubber mixed into one disgusting concoction.

  8. Like a Heineken tastes!

  9. go to cheap gym ,,sit beside girl who never took shower when she is working otu and the sweat is everywhere you will know what it smells like

    go to a bar sit with guys *FAT GUYS DONT FORGET*

    while they are drunk and sweating

    and you will have this information:)

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