
What do snakes in dreams mean?

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I'm having dreams about snakes. What does it mean?

The first dream i was in my apt, my roomate was in her room with her boyfriend and her boyfriends brother and she had a pig in there. I was in my room with a dog. we all came out to a nock on the door. It was a person warning us that there was a snake in the air vent. Then I saw it go by, it was white and yellow and about 3 feet long. Then I woke up.

The second dream was a night later and a women I did not recongnize, a boy I did not recognize, and me picked up a snake to babysit it. We took it back to a house and put it into a box with a fence on top of it. It was about 8 feet long, yellow and white. It kept gettng out of the box, and poped his head out from under the door two or three times. And the women had to put it back in. Then it got totaly outside into the shack in the backyard where the boy was. The lady ran after it and it bit her on the arm, but half of her arm was gone. Then the snake went in the shack down the stairs and I ran into the house and passed out. Then I woke up.

I recognize everybody and the location of the first dream, I just dont recognize the animals. I do not recognize the house, shack, or any of the people in the second dream.

I dont know what this means. Can anybody help me.

Also, alot in my life has changed and I wonder if that has anything to do with it. I have moved, started two new jobs, and me and my boyfriend of 4 years just broke up because he "doesnt have time" to spend with me.




  1. I have always known that snakes mean enemies.  If they attack you, that means that some one will try to attack you.  If you kill it, that means that you will win the argument. If you see it but it doesn't hurt you or attacks you, it means that you will be somehow present or involve in an argument. But it is really not toward you.

    Some people from India believe that dreaming a snake means money and the bigger the more money you will come to.

    So. believe what you want.

  2. Could be phallic...

  3. snakes mean enemies, if the snake touches you or makes contact with you in some way, then that means that your enemy will hurt you or make contact with you in some way that you wont like. If it doesn't touch you, then your fine

  4. Snakes can have many meanings in dreams.  One of the most common is transformation.  Snakes have the ability to shed their skin and start over.  If there are a lot of changes going on in your life right now, it is likely that this is the meaning of the snakes in your dreams.  As things change, the dreams will too.  Take clues from your dreams so you know which direction to go in next.  They will speak to you if you listen closely.


  5. First dream, you're in your apartment with a dog (faithful companion) in your room and in your roommates room, she's there with her boyfriend, boyfriend's bro and a pig.  My question: out of the three of them, who's the pig?

    So the warning knock reveals a snake in the vents. Guess who?

    And the yellow is significant. You're feeling a little hissed on. Er... something like that. (Yeah, isn't the subconscious interesting?)

    And it's not confronting directly, but avoiding you. Sound familiar? At this point, it's measuring only three feet long.

    Second dream:

    The yellow snake has grown five more feet. Now it's confronting you. You want it to stay in the box, but it doesn't want to live in your box. The consequence? Someone gets bit. (The lady who is bitten represents you-- you've distanced yourself from the bite by dreaming that someone else gets bitten, not you.) This lady loses half her arm. When you run back inside and pass out, your reaction seems to be the shock from the bite.  

    And I'm kinda concerned about this half an arm loss. What do you feel you've lost? Half what?

    Dream three:

    You're surrounded by friends, talking and drinking coffee-- sounds great, but when you go into the bathroom, you're unable to do much. You can't relieve yourself (which can be an expression of letting go of harmful, useless stuff) and your mirror is shattered (which is representative of a shattered self-image.)  But you're relieved to hear it's not your fault, but the snake's.

    And it isn't your fault that your boyfriend made the choices that he did. Relationships are two way and you deserve as much energy and attention as you put into the relationship.


  6. There are two very specific types of fears, one being SNAKES, the other being heights, that people who are prone to anxiety disorders will almost always exclusively develop.  I would keep a real close eye on that and make sure that you are not jumping your friends, family, or co-workers over little insignificant things.  If you have a narcissistic mother, your chances of not having anxiety without medication are almost nil, so I would recommend seeing a doctor.

  7. OK Ashley, if this is the dream, then I don't think you're going to listen to me! Not even the dream itself. I mean you combined the worst symbols one can ever see all together in a dream. I mean, the pig, the dog, the snakes, all these animals, Ashely point to either bad friends, or bad guys, and sometimes evil people with bad intentions that you don't know about it. So you are really deep into a lot of people that you are not supposed to be with. You are far away from people that matter to you and very close to people you think are closer to you. They are only there for advantages.

    Your dream shows your association with indecent friends, friends who you might have had some problems with due to "he said, she said." There are other man you bring into your house or into your room, you've kicked some, and kept some but the bottom line is, there will be some harm that will come to you only through the man and the girls you are associated with. That simple. So all you have to do is, ask yourself, why am I with this guy or that girl? You must have logical and positive reason as to why you are with some people to avoid getting hurt though your dream shows just an imminent danger. The girl bitten by the snake is already hurt in real life possibly by one of her guy friends. I know she isn't feeling good anyway.

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