
What do sociologists mean by the social construction of race and ethnicity?

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What do sociologists mean by the social construction of race and ethnicity?




  1. It means that human created everything as far as race and ethnicity. We, humans socially contruct race and ethnicity through socialization and interactions!!

  2. Yes, it means that humans construct race and ethnicity through their interaction.  As we talk and interact with other people, we get an idea of what race and ethnicity is, as well as reinforce those ideas.

  3. it basically means that society decides how each race and ethnicity is defined. It has to do with Socialization. We are born without racist attitudes, values or beliefs. We are born into social contexts, we have no information about ourselves or others. It is through the process of social interaction that we acquire sets of attitudes, values, and beliefs that contribute to our ideas of race and ethnicity.

  4. Social construction of race and ethnicity refers to the idea that we as human beings socially create race and ethnicity. In other words,  race and ethnicity would not exist without human beings.   I hope this helps.

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