
What do spiders do when their up in their webs ?

by  |  earlier

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its must be a boring life lol staying perfectly still. Are they just sleeping and awake when flies arrive. or do they watch us argggghhh ?




  1. They sit in the CENTRE etc., They play spider solitaire until the delivery boy turns up. Sundays is spicy night, so they will be having mexican fly, amigo!

  2. They sit in the center of the web with a limb touching each main radial filament.  They wait for vibrations in the web, indicating an insect is caught.

  3. They sit in the center of the web with a limb touching each main radial filament. They wait for vibrations in the web, indicating an insect is caught.

    then they eat it.

    Oh yeah and they are all waiting patiently & watching you with their tiny arachnid binoculars. Waiting for just the right moment.....

  4. They stand still waiting for prey. And when that idiot get stuck in the web the spider attacks.

  5. n

  6. They sit in the center of the web with a limb touching each main radial filament. They wait for vibrations in the web, indicating an insect is caught.

    then they eat it.

  7. prey!

    on watch for next catch

  8. They sit in the center of the web with a limb touching each main radial filament. They wait for vibrations in the web, indicating an insect is caught.

  9. I don't think spiders get bored the way humans do. their lifes goals are to eat and reproduce. They just sit in the webs waiting for vibrations indicating that lunch has arrived. Perhaps they nap while waiting but then again anyone with time to study a spiders sleep habits must be bored;)

  10. they dont have to be on the web,,as long as theyy have a connection to the web then they just wait for vibrations

  11. write messages to their piglet friends

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