
What do tattoo dots on knuckles mean?

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  1. A.C.A.B. That's where the four dots come from. ALL coppers are basards.

  2. one dot on the right knuckle and four on the left symbolizes 14  nortenos (northern california mexicans) 

  3. Im wondering if I can get a straight answer because I know an A C member, and he has the dots.. so does it mean f the cops or family/gang comes first?

  4. all copps are b******s!!! hahaha

  5. i have 3 dots on my wrist for " my crazyy life"

    my bf has the dots on his knuckles on his left hand for " myy gang comes first;

  6. It may have many meanin but us hispanic use it in different wayz four dots on ur right nuckles means YOUR FAMILY COMES FRIST! da four dots! four dots on ur left means YOUR GANG COMES FRIST!once again da four dots..if u have dem on both hands it is sayin ur family goes frist n ur gang second!  if u gat three dots pointin up it's callled "f***s up" dat stands for MI VIDA LOKA "mi crazzy live"

  7. it just stands for all cops are b******s

  8. hi,
    its some sort of gang sign used by the mexican mafia, aryan brotherhood, surenos, etc.

    I understand that it is usually in prison inmates meaning all coppers/screws are b******s a dot for each word

  9. I have dotted knuckles...they are Kenzo dots resembles Kensington in Philadelphia, pa.

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