
What do teachers REALLY talk about in the staff room??

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What do teachers REALLY talk about in the staff room??




  1. All the pupils, every one =[


  2. i was on a school trip once abroad, and we were all on the coach going back to our hotel. I had to sit downstairs for some reason where all the teachers were, they were all talking about how they were jealous of the young girls in there short skirts, and teasing this male teacher about how he fancied all the year 9 girls :|

  3. This is the teacher's break room or it is their lunch time and like everyone else , teachers spend their off time / their break time/ their off task time discussing what interests them , shopping, some new fad or car , cooking and swapping recipes , and such as that. They do not want to spend their short break time discussin or sometimes cussing a student that has been bad in their class. They are human and have interests outside of class .

  4. Teachers talk about all kinds of things in the staff room.  However, most of the time (from my experience in several different schools), they spend their time complaining about the students, the school, administration, other teachers, and how ridiculous everyone is.  From time to time, topics such as television shows, family, and outside interests will come up.  However, 80-90% of the conversation is a ***** fest.  This is the very reason why I do not eat with other teachers anymore.  It's really depressing.

  5. Normal Stuff

  6. The administration, reality tv, local education news, weight loss (women), sports (men), what was on talk radio on the way to school that morning, and students/parents.

  7. Teachers are people and people have common ways of communicating with fellow staff.  They talk about their job if they really want to, but when in the staff room away from the class, I tend to think "other" points of interest come up such as "what are you going to do this weekend, how about those Cubs, have you tried......:"  etc, etc.  It boils down to water cooler chit chat that most office workers around the world talk about.  What is going on and what is happening.  Perhaps even a touch of gossip now and then.

  8. They talk about rubbish and which students they hate lol and which they love i think !

  9. I don't want to brag, but I am so pleased that the teachers I meet with are saved therefore, our communication is positive most of the time.  We stay away from negative talk unless we are trying to help a situation and have to discuss its entirety.  We talk about our families, trips, goals, advanced education and how we need additional degrees or hours; weather, vacations, TCAP testing scores, babies (we have two teachers who just had babies), and planning.

  10. You would die of boredom.  Their doctor visits, kids, gardening, some mystery novel someone is reading, what they cooked for dinner last night, their spouse's job .

  11. Well, I'll put it like this;

    My sister is an elementary school teacher, and I've met all of her teacher friends.

    I wouldn't want my kids anywhere near those people.

  12. probly teaching stuff

  13. i bet they tlk bout certain students and moan about people who they dont like

  14. The weather, their holidays, the idiocies of some parents, subject/teaching issues, politics. And so on.

  15. We pretty much just gripe about things going on at our school, our students, things we did over the weekend, etc.  Same as any other lunchroom in any other profession.

  16. It's mostly a contest as to who has had the worst day, worst students and most disasterous lessons.  Although there isn't usually time to stop and chat as we only have 15mins in the morning and 50mins for lunch.  The time is eaten up by preparing for the next lesson.

  17. The kids that annoy them

  18. we moan about the students, our boss, collegues, heads of departments. slate the parents, talk about the lessons we have been in, mention the wonderful students and the worst then finish by going through all the staff gossip - who is dating who, who has messed up in their role, who is pregnant, who is going for a promotion/didnt get it and who is leaving

    amongst that time we also wonder why people leave mould riddled food in the fridge and sit on each others laps as there are never enough seats.

  19. All what has been said AND a lot about the students and the howlers and fibs they make!!!

    Especially in my college!!

    Many students seem to think we do not check with each other!

  20. They talk about all the bad kids! And blacken their name so that when they end up having a lesson with any other teacher they get unfairly treated! Trust me!

  21. The kids, the other teachers, the head, their partners, what's in the news, what was on TV, etc etc etc.

    Teachers are normal human beings.

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