
What do teachers do?

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Prepare lectures

Prepare activities

Grade exams and papers

Hold parent-teacher conferences

Attend school meetings

Lead extracurricular activities

Provide advice on educational and personal matters (to both students and their parents)

Mentor students

Teach skills (academic and life skills such as conflict resolution)




  1. teach

  2. do research  

    continue their own education

    complete department/office/district paperwork

    discipline students

    Write/examine curriculum

    write grants for resources

    evaluate, select, and purchase (some times with their own money) materials for classroom (texts, technology, supplies, etc)

    modify lessons for IEPs

    run emergency drills

    manage class websites

    reflect upon and modify their teaching methods,discipline, and lessons

  3. teachers model expectations to students...

    teachers hold high expectations just within reach...

    teachers put on band-aids, mend broken hearts, tie shoes, laugh at jokes that aren't really funny...

    teachers cry over handmade cards during the holidays....

    teachers teach math.  then they teach the lesson again.  and again.  and again, until everyone gets most of the lesson.  then they teach it again, just to make sure...

    teachers bake brownies/cookies/cakes at midnight because they have a celebration the next day...

    teachers schedule parent teacher conferences, sit and wait for parents to arrive, and reschedule day after day when they forget...

    teachers give- lessons, learning, understanding...

    teachers get- headaches, paper cuts, bladder infections...

    teachers teach.

  4. Die early from complications of high blood pressure.  

    Try to straighten out the mess that parents have created in raising their children.

    Work 23 years before reaching top pay.

    Buy pencils, pens and notebooks for kids whose parents are too lazy and/or drunk to buy their kids school supplies.
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