
What do teachers do when they are not teaching?

by Guest62018  |  earlier

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need help

need to make it funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

has to be around 3 mintues.





  1. plan what to teach next lesson........... And recharge their robot batteries ( Teachers are robots designed to bore me)

  2. Anything normal people do like date or go on vacation, have a drink lol.  Some teachers are just weird though and are loners and do things like go to movies alone or museums alone or just read all day and subscribe to creepy magazines haha

  3. Well, we all know Antonio didn't go to school.

  4. Never happens. You're always a teacher, all the time, everywhere. People just assume that you are available to solve their problems, and you always have development and marking work to do, which you often have no option but to do at home.

  5. They disappear back to their coffins.

  6. Well, after I finish teaching summer school so I can afford to buy all the supplies that they won't provide for me during the regular year, I do some "maintainence" work on myself. During the 3 weeks off until I have to go back, I practice my sense of humor which I will desperatly need for the next 9 months of school ahead.... sleep as much as possible to try to save up for all the 4-5 hour nights I'll get..... spend as much time with my daughter so she won't forget me when I'm working 10-12 hour days..... polish that "third eye" I keep in the back of my head..... work out so that when I have to chase that one kid down the hall 20 times a day, I won't have a heart attack and DIE......and basically try really hard NOT to think about school.

  7. They get summer jobs because they dont work during summer so obviously they dont get paid either.

  8. cursing about the friggin mouthy brats he HAS to teach everyday .

    my couzin  is one and omg the cursing !!!

    he has 10 hours of it every week and when summers here he is so thankfull lol

  9. When teachers are not teaching a lesson, they usually are preparing for another lesson, grading papers, meeting with parents, meeting with other staff at the school, etc.  Teachers stay busy all of the time.  

    Even during the summer when most people say teachers have the summer off, we don't.  We are usually preparing for the next school year.  Getting the classroom ready for the students to return.  We also take classes during the summer to stay updated on current issues related to education and/or improving ourselves so we can be better teachers.

  10. We go to school and take classes to learn stuff ourselves. We practice what we teach :0)

    We go to the furthest place away from school as we can for a vacation so we don't see any of our students. :0)

  11. My goddaughter is busy raising her 3 daughters, cooking meals, cleaning house, dealing with her husband and other relatives, taking a summer vacation to the beach - pretty much doing what other people do.

  12. I can really tell from all the above answers who the teachers are and who doesn't have a clue.

    First of all, teachers are paid on a yearly contract which is spread out over 12 months, so we do get paid in the summer.

    If your bored in class, its probably because your not paying attention to the lesson and you didn't do your homework. Students like this frustrate us the most because we believe in what we are doing or we wouldn't be in the profession. We surely don't do it for the money.LOL

    That being said, I can only speak for myself.  Besides being a teacher, I am a wife. My husband is also a teacher so we understand each others professional responsibilities and that is a big help.  

    As one of the answerers said, we are always teachers. Usually we only have to talk to someone a few minutes and they can quess what we do for a living. Teaching isn't just a job, its a way of life. Its part of who we are. I know that I was born to be a teacher. As a child, I would line up my dolls and play teacher or play teacher to the neighborhood kids. As a teen, I was always tutoring or helping others with homework.

    I teach AP English, so during the school year, I spend much of my time grading essays. I carry a stack of papers with me wherever I go. I grade essays watching TV, at the Drs office, in the car (when I'm not driving) and anywhere else I can catch a minute. Then there are lesson to prepare and mountains of administrative paperwork to do.

    During the summers I try to catch up on housework and yardwork. I also have several hobbies and I get to do more of them in the summer that during the school year. I travel some too. I try to go somewhere new and different every year. I also take students on tours to Europe or Central America during the summer. Finally, I read because during the school year, by the time I get a minute to read, I am so tired that I fall asleep.

    I can assure you that one thing I never do is get bored. I don't have time.

  13. Summer is the time teachers can go to major conferences and workshops.

    Summer is also a good time to see the doctor about anything that might be wrong with them (as in if they need surgery for something) because they will have the whole summer to get better.  It's nearly impossible to achieve this during the school year because there isn't a long enough break to heal.

  14. s*x with princeable.

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