
What do teachers wear in France?

by Guest60014  |  earlier

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I'm going to France in Sep and work as a language assistant.

What is the dress code for teachers and assistants?

Can u wear neat jeans or boots?

What is the typical dress code?




  1. You should ask the institute your transferring to to receive the best results.

  2. there are no dress code in france..............especially for assistant !!

    Of course, A tight skirt or a very tight and short's not a good idea !!!

    But jeans, T-shirt............or normal skirt with what you wanna wear with.

    You can also wear classy clothes.........

    You can be a teacher and follow the fashion..........

  3. there're no dress code, just don't be too attractive!!

  4. hello

    there is nothing particular to wear just wear ur usual stuff but be careful dont be too s**y or provocative and everything will go well

    dont be too neglected too

  5. I'm french living in france, and I confirm that there is no dress code. I agree with shishi no provocation and It would be ok, just like in USA I presume.

    Hope you will enjoy your stay in France!

    Where would you be?

  6. The same as what the teachers in your hometown are wearing now.

  7. Hi there,

    I can confirm no dress codes. Just be yourself.

    When I was studying I had a crush on my English assistant. She was so cute! So carefull, don't be overly s**y, bcause your accent will drive your students crazy! We looove Americans when they speak French :)

  8. i lived in france until i was 11, from what i can remember, there are no dress codes for teachers, just don't look too s**y

  9. Full head to toe coverage of the body for men. Women must be nude.

    It's a response to the islamic fundamentalists.

  10. Hello !!

    I live in france (sorry for my poor english), and there is no dress code for teachers here.

    But most of them buy their clothes at "camif", which is a big central merchandizing for teachers in france...

    because They have good price here !!

    You could notice that soon ... lol !!!

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