
What do teens in Japan think of America?

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I've noticed that a few of my friends are really into Japanese culture. One girl even wishes she lived there. So I started to wonder, what do Japanese teens like of American life, American teens and American fashions? Are there annoying wanna be Americans there just as there are annoying wanna be Japanese here? Are shows from America ever re dubbed for Japanese viewers?




  1. Answer above me: Same goes for here. Everytime you see a Japanese person here they are clueless of what's going on or where anything is and are too shy to ask.

  2. Japanese people like Americans, but I dont know how much they know about America.

    Actually, regardless of their races, when a foreigner in Japan comes from America, Japanese people say 'cool'.

    That's why many Australian tourists who are discriminated now in Japan due to the whale issue often pretend to be American in Japan.

    Also, American fashion and music is pretty hot especially among teens. It is always cool to do something different in everywhere.

    So I think that America is a Japanese teens favourite country over any other countries like Europe which almost all Japanese people have no Idea, China which often make trouble in Japan, and other neighber countries.

  3. Many foreigners hear might say "Japanese teens think Americans are cool" ,  this makes me lol you know.

    I never find cool things in Americans here, they are just tourist who do not know about our culture and language but came here somehow.

  4. I'm afraid both groups are probably ignorant of how life really is in each country. Life in Japan isn't like it is in the Tokyo Drift movies. Nor is it like in the American movies they watch there.

    Some Japanese teens do dye their hair blond(e). And many dress in more western styles. Whether or not they're a waanabe would be a matter of opinion.

    Some American TV shows are dubbed in Japanese.While others will have sub-titles.

      Try the web site below. You might learn something.I did.

  5. >Are shows from America ever re dubbed for Japanese viewers?

    They are usually on CATV. Not ordinary TV we can watch without additional fee.

    >what do Japanese teens like of American life,

    Most of them do not know what it's like to live in US.

    >American teens

    Like above, most teens do not know about US teens.

    >and American fashions?

    The same as above.

    But American music, movie and MLB are popular.

    >Are there annoying wanna be Americans there just as there are annoying wanna be Japanese here?

    I don't think so.

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