
What do teens in Paris wear in the fall?

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So I'm going to Paris in the fall and i don't want to look like a tourist or anything. so i was wondering what i should pack.

are colored skinny jeans okay if i pair it with a black top? cause i love my colored skinnies(black,grey,teal, blue, and red).

i bought black boot-cut jeans, too.

also, how do they wear their hair and make-up?




  1. When I went in the spring, all the teenage girls were wearing black skinny jeans and these scarves that you can buy off the street vendors. I've haven't really seen too many scarves like them in the US, but they're kinda fringy and plaid if that helps- they're only like 5 euros. I can't remember what their shirts were like. Hope I helped and have lots of fun!  

  2. Wear what you like and don't worry about it.

    At any one given moment there are tens of thousands of tourists in Paris. The Parisians are far too busy living their own lives to care about one more tourist.

    Besides, they don't dress all that differently than you do no matter where you are from. That's the effect of globalization.

    And, in any case, the fact that you will be wandering around lookng at the sights with a map in one hand and a guide book in the other will give you away as a tourist. And if that doesn't do it then the instant you open your mouth you'll be recognized as a foreigner.

    I repeat. Don't worry about it. No one cares.

    EDIT: But do you speak French like a Parsian teenager?

  3. nothing

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