
What do teens in france and Italy wear? I'm going this summer w/famil. I really don't want to look touristy

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I know this probably sounds kinda unimportant, but I'd like to look nice and blend in. I'm not buying a whole new wardrobe though. I just want to figure out what to pack




  1. No matter what... don't wear tennis shoes unless you want everyone to know you are an American tourist. Find something else comfortable and wear them. NO ONE wears tennis shoes for anything but sports there!

    Don't wear jeans and a t-shirt unless they seem "fashionable".

  2. Teens in France and Italy don't dress all that differently than teens in the United States. The only fashion consideration might be to keep your colors muted and avoid T-shirts with writing on them (other than a University logo or name).

    When traveling the smart thing to do is to worry more about packing light, selecting clothes that you can mix and match, taking things that will not show dirt and that can be washed out in the sink at night and that will dry quickly.

    You cannot help being identified as a tourist. That will happen the minute you open your mouth.

  3. Not an unimportant question at all!

    Make sure to check the temperature here before you leave--although i suspect Italy will be warmer than France.

    Contrary to popular belief, Europeans wear jeans ALL the time...just different style. They really like tight jeans and esp. Levi's. (This may be hot in the summer tho!) Avoid shorts for the moment, although bermuda shorts are growing in popularity. If you have capris or some flowy skirts, they will be comfortable and stylish.

    Europeans wear a lot of black! (convenient for traveling!)

    Shoes-ballerina flats are really popular for girls. Also, tennis shoes like 'pumas' and converse are very "a la mode" .

    have a great time!

  4. well its a VERY hard question : french and italian teens wear the same... but in the streets i know a girl is english or american ! and im rarely mistaken.

    the problem is not only what you wear :

    - in italy the color of skin and hair... english and american people are "milky" and blonde haired.

    - make-up : french and italian girls have few make-up. lots of english and american girls apply too much make up

    - hair : most of en & US girls are hair straightened.

    - speaking : so noisy in the streets... whats really funny they think noone understands...

    well you understand i CARICATURE... but not too much... so you shd wear as usual, and unnoticeable make up !

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