
What do the Italians do best?

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What do the Italians do best?




  1. best food, best manifacturer (cars, dressing, Pippo Baudo)

    best places!!! Don't forget that Rome was one of the centres of the world for several centuries and it was where born the occidental culture

  2. clothes, food, cars....and course!!!!

  3. Talk especially with their hands


  5. we always find the easiest way!

  6. ****** about everyone,and treat women like slaves

  7. Talk

  8. The “Italian” matrix has a very strong “individuality and  creativity" base, this allows Italians to excel in the Arts (Music & Painting), in style and design (Fashion, Industrial, especially Cars and Architecture), in food and drink (balanced combination) and the more “creative” aspects of science (certain medical specialisations, robotics and fine engineering). The downside is a poor “social and community” spirit (bad government, crazy unions and a critical service industry), a heightened admiration for “crafty” people (furbi, dritti) and a disdain for orderly law abiding citizens (anti police hooligans at the G7 and in Stadiums),. This does not mean that Italians are not capable of “team work”, the great Italian soccer teams (local and national), sailing crews (Azzurra, Moro di Venezia, Prada) and aerobatic squadrons (Frecce Tricolore) and a number of highly organised “process management” based concerns show the opposite. In these cases the average Italian overcomes his “individuality” in order to excel together, as a “single individual”.  One particular positive characteristic of the average Italian is his affability, good humour and tolerance, which makes them excellent PR and Communication people; in the past this also gave rise to the "Latin Lover" legend, today less accentuated and more realistic, though they still do make pleasant companions. Finally they make great parents and love their children (& "la Mamma") above all else.

    ps the "myth" about the arrogant macho Italian male is long gone; Italian women are very self assured and often rule the roost with "a gentle hand" - the Mamma dna again.

  9. Talk a lot and very fast and cook the h**l out of food.

  10. best food, best wine, best personalities

  11. I'm italian, from Turin.. what we do best.. boh..

    Well, i think that our is a great food, and our wines too..

    Ehy, then if you come here there are a lot of t-shirts, where it is written on them "Italians do it better"..



  12. FOOD

  13. We make the worlds best food, wine, cars, leather, clothes, and we are the worlds best lovers

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