
What do the Japanese public actually think about whaling?

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Government officials are constantly quoted in newspapers as saying "whaling is a cherished part of our cultural tradition".

What, because if they stopped whaling Japan's entire cultural identity would crumble?

I think not.

But I'd like to know what Japanese people (hope some of you are here to answer this) think. It's an issue I feel very strongly about. As David Attenborough said, "there is no humane way to kill a whale at sea".




  1. They like the whale meat.  So do I. Incidentely, Japan is not the only country that practices whaling.  Some, such as Norway, operate full blown commercial whaling operations.  So why are they not castegated like Japan?  Could there be some other agenda in play here?

  2. they eat whale meat,they have NO COMPASSION for one of the most beautiful creatures on earth!if they cared THEY WOULD STOP THIS BARBARIC SLAUGHTER!

  3. they think it tastes good....

  4. Bear-baiting and fox hunting used to be part of the English tradition, but that doesn't make it right.

    Sorry, I'm not Japanese.

  5. The Killing for pleasure or to eat  is disgusting!  i will never eat meat.  The Japanese will eat anything they are inhuman!!!

  6. According to this poll, it appears that most Japanese citizens don't know what their government is up to with regards to whaling.  For instance, over 90% of Japanese citizens don't know that whaling is done in the Antarctic Ocean whale sanctuary.

  7. This is a readers comment from Japan today 'As usual, blame it all on Japan. It wasn't the Japanese who depleted the world's whale population. You may recall that back in 1853 the US sent Commador Perry to open Japan so there would be a place for its whaling ships to get water etc. And we all know what that lead to. Besides, if I remember correctly, Mobby d**k ended in the Sea of Japan. Japan's whaling was very modest compared to the ravenous whaling of the US and Europe. How quickly they forget. But it doesn't matter. The Japanese taste for whale, especially among young people, is on the decline. So I guess "research whaling" will come to an end soon.'

    Lets hope he's right.

  8. It's impossible to know how much of Japan supports and doesn't support the hunting of whales. Especially if you're not in or from Japan. And, I'm not...But, I believe that there is no need for this to be happening. These whales are not the main supply of food for the Japanese, or anyone else. We can live without the meat and other products that they provide. I also believe that more should be done to open the public's eyes on the matter. I'm sure you've heard about of Hero star's Hayden Panettiere's protest in Japan. This is what should be done. Everyone pays attention to celebrities. They are like super beings! A tv show should be created with celeb hosts so people can see what is really happening to these whales. Then they can judge whether or not it is right.

    Oh, and also quoting what kate said:

    'The Japanese will eat anything they are inhuman!!!'

    You are making a generalization about the Japanese people. That's not right. Have you been to Japan? Have you even met a Japanese person? You know they have vegetarians there too right?

  9. why pick on the japanese? there is still whaling carried out by Norway, the Faeroe Islands and Iceland, and one or two others.

  10. normally most Japanese don't support whaling. it is in fact uneconomical to hunt and sell the whale meat because it only has a small market. japan is only continuing to do this because it is afraid that if it gives up this fishstock it may loose others.

  11. There are a few cultures on the planet that will EAT anything.

  12. The Japanese people could either care less about the whaling or are continuing to blindly follow their government leaders down whatever alley they lead them.  I have yet to hear of a SINGLE Japanese protest in Japan against the whaling, leaded by someone from Japan!

    I think it's time we drop the economic hammer on Japan and boycott them across the board!

    There is even a neat website (see link below) called "Boycott Japan" that has some detailed and interesting information on how to boycott products from Japan and get the anti-whaling message to these people.

    I'm not an advocate of anyone going to extreme measures to enforce (no matter how right, just and humane) an act on another society.

    In this case though I'm sick of the arrogance and disregard Japan displays to the world (be it historical revisionism in the atrocities they committed in WWII or whaling) that I think heavy handed measures should be taken.

    I'd be thrilled to see the world's navies intercept these whaling ships, order the crews off, haul them into ports and scrap them.

    The stance that this is a "cultural" aspect of Japan's society is a joke. These are the same people that used s*x slaves for the army as late as WWII.

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