
What do the Medical Ins. means with maximum benefit per coverage?

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What do the Medical Ins. means with maximum benefit per coverage?




  1. Example: if it says $3,000./  that is all they will cover  for the specific illness

  2. If I understand your question, then it's the 'cap' they put on how much they'll pay/cover for a covered illness. ... It shuts off their coverage for very major, long term or expensive illnesses after they've covered the stated amount.

  3. They only pay so much per type of medical need. For instance if you have mental health coverage and you use it, it may cover up to say l,500 per year and after that you are responsible for the rest of the money that needs to be paid if you go over the l,500 maximum.

  4. Medical ins. is need of the time .Because of day by day danger of the new infection.Their is lot of schemes of medical ins. according to the the schemes they gives attractive benefit. The medical ins. is a big business and their is lot of company's  working in a competitive environment, so they provide maximum benefit per coverage.

  5. The maximum amount that the insurance company will pay towards coverage claims, (usually per calendar year).

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  7. I would suggest you call your insurance to know exactly because policies are all written differently and you don't want to think one thing and then find out something else.

    Generally, though, that can mean that for a particular appointment/surgery/etc., the insurance company has a maximum benefit and they will not pay beyond that.

    Call the company to be sure.

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