
What do the Olympians do for money?

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Throughout the 4 years that they are not competing at the Olympics how do they pay their bills? I understand they are under constant training and preperation, but not all of them are being supported by their parents. Are they sponsored by their country? And if so, do ALL the Olympians get money (i.e. basketball, baseball, etc)?




  1. Well, a few sports have professional sportspeople participating in them.  The American basketball team comes to mind.  They earn $160,000,000 a year between them!

    Other sports people survive with sponsorships from sporting equipment companies etc.

  2. Some of them have regular jobs to go back to. Like anything you need to have something to fall back on if times get hard, or hurt in their case. Some compete in events that pay money. Many of the great ones have endorsements from sports companies like NIKE and such.

  3. They sell their souls to the devil.... lol

    By the  way its illegal for them to be sponsored by big companys or corporations.......

  4. Work at Home Depot.  

  5. i believe they get sponsors,such as a wheaties box or other things.mostly there parents pay a heavy price to support there kids such as moving closer to where they train and so on.they do other events through out year to support themselves also

  6. This is a tough one.  The best answer is "all of the above."  Some countries provide their athletes with total financial support, though they may not live in luxury.  Top Olympians generally have huge sponsorship and can pay their own way while devoting full time to their training.  Up-and-comers need to have dedicated families willing to do whatever it takes for their children to pursue a dream.  Others manage to hold down full time jobs and still get in their training.  In the US, NCAA athletes receiving cash rewards can never again compete at the collegiate level.   The USOC continues to provide cash awards to medal winners and other athletes in financial hardship.  Much more information on this subject can be found on the website below.

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