
What do the Rf values of these pigments mean?

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Chlorophyll A- 0.32

Chlorophyll B- 0.21

Carotene- 1

Xanthophyll- 0.63




  1. The Rf is a measure of the relative mobility of the pigment in the chromatographic system.  This could be a paper chromatogram where the pigment mixture is spotted onto the base of the paper sheet.  The same end is then immersed in the solvent.  The paper will take up the solvent which moves steadily upward.  The components of the pigment mixture will move as well but each one at a different rate.  Hence, the system will separate this mixture.  The Rf is the distance traveled by a pigment component divided by the total distance between the leading edge of the solvent front and the original location of the pigment mixture.

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