
What do the Russians hope to gain by moving in with their tanks and planes to Georgia?

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Is this really a ploy by Russia to keep Nato off it's door step?




  1. While Uncle Sam has been prevailed in Kosovo, MDS lauch in neibouring country of the Russia, the Russian leaders wanted to re-draw their country map over Georgia

  2. The same thing the US hoped to gain by moving our tanks and planes into Iraq, freedom from possible aggression and oil. I love how so many people especially McCain are screaming about Russia doing exactly what we did, and with a much greater excuse to do it than we ever had. Iraq had nothing to do wiht 911 as much as Bush tries to insinuate it, which isn't exactly lying, but close enough.

  3. They are going to make an example of Georgia so that other countries will realize that attacking Russia is a pretty stupid idea.  

  4. Georgia.

  5. I believe it's for 2 reasons 1 is oil and econimic growth (most wars are about this) I also believe it's becuase Georgia isn't comunist and is our allie so that makes Rusia pissed at them

  6. to Emily M: I'm sorry Lady but you should learn more about Russia. We are Democratic country and NOT comunistic for more then 17 years! and the second - there is no oil in Georgia!! you must mix it with Azerbaidzan. Beleive me I know it, I live only 250 kilometers from Georgia (as well as I'm not comunist) And the third, we did not started the war! And still we are not in the war with Georgia. But in South Ossetia lives LOTS AND LOTS of Russian people who was already killed in this war and we are still trying to bring the peace to this country. And for the last, check who provided Georgia with Tanks and planes - yes it was USA!!!.  

  7. Some of their self-respect. They have been quite tolerant up to now, letting the west put the noose over its head but I think this is the final insult, to be bullied and attacked by Georgia.

  8. i see it as subtle conflict between Russia and the US. Russia pretending they're supporting Osetia and representing their interests and the US arming Georgia. So, the question here is what Russia and the US are fighting for

  9. To show who is the dominant country in the region!

  10. I think they want control of the oil/ oil-pipe that runs through Georgia, thats just my personal opinion.

  11. maby they hope to gain the same thing we hope to gain in Iraq witch is ?????????

  12. They might possibly want to over-throw Georgia's pro western government.


  13. Oil - It's really funny! How much oil is there in the Georgia?

  14. they want control of the oil them commie b******s

  15. Military bases, oil, places to get oil reserves. It's been back and forth with Georgia saying Russia attaked them first and Russia saying Georgia started it. Also my theory for the attakcs on Georgia is to get Georgia's allies mad. U.S.A to pinpoint target. If it wasnt for the U.S driving out Russia who knows how far they could of gone into Georgia. Hopefully it gets resolved very soon becuase I'm afraid Bush might issue a draft of some sort before he leaves office.

  16. No,,,it is the Russians trying to rebuild the Soviet Union.    

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