
What do the Spaniards think of Mexicans???

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Lots of my friends are from Mexico & I was wondering what Spanairds think of Mexicans?? When I asked My ex Bofriend Fernando Ramon Martinez what his race was, he proudly said to me"I am Spanish"& said Mexico Espana,mismo sangre. even thoghh when I first saw him I thought he was Indonesian,Cambodian,Samoan,Maori & he was short & brown coplexed & looked Asian. I'm just wondering what Spaniards think. I'm Irish-French. And yes i do study world history. Serious answers.




  1. Hi! I'm Spaniard, and I think that most Spaniards, like me, think that Mexico is a very beautiful country, and mexicans are very friendly. We think that they're very funny and we LOVE their speaking, their accent, because is very genuine and nice.

    Mexican music is very popular in Spain, and in fact, a lot of Spanish bands or singers became famous in Mexico before they did in Spain.

    Mexico and Spain are two different nations, with different culture, altough we have a lot of things in common, of course.

    Viva Mexico Liiiindooooo!!!

  2. Mexicans are NOT Spanish, and most Mexicans do not consider themselves to be Spanish.  I doubt any Spaniard would consider any Mexican to be Spanish.

    Now, they all speak Spanish in both countries, so he might have been referring to his language when he said that.

    The other thing you might be seeing is that for centuries, a person who was born in Spain had the highest status, socially, in Mexico, and a person who could trace ALL of his/her ancestry to Spain came next.  If your boyfriend fits in that category (regardless of what YOU thought his parentage to be), he MIGHT consider himself to be Spanish, from that point of view.  (I'm just positing a theory, here).  I'm not sure what about him makes you think that mixture, but people in Mexico DO tend to be a bit darker-skinned than most Spaniards.  

    If you study history, maybe you should get into the social history of Mexico...pretty interesting stuff.  Wealthy people of Spain, who had settled in Mexico, used to send their pregnant wives back, so that their children would be Born in Spain.

  3. I have never known anyone from Spain who considers Mexicans to be Spanish, or Mexicans who consider themselves to be Spanish.

    They speak Castilian, the variant of Spanish that is dominant throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

    Genetically, Mexicans are fairly homogenously mestizo - mixed, not including the fully indigenous communities.  That's why your ex looked Asian, because he was genetically very much native.  

    Different nationality, different geography, different history, different ethnicity, different culture.  Not the same at all.

    Hope this helps.

  4. I am Mexican, and we do not consider ourselves Spanish, regardless of our past common history. We have our very own vast culture. We owe Spain a lot of our culture, language, religion, etc., but we are very different in many aspects, and I love Spain, its culture and its people.

  5. I don't know for sure and I'm not Spanish, but I have a friend in Portugal (who lived in Spain) and she doesn't actually consider them to be Spanish. I know cause I asked her this same question.

  6. Tell your boyfriend that Mexico is not Spain since XIX century.

    We spanish think Mexico is a Hispanic country (not spanish) like Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, etc.... we consider mexican people as a kind of "brothers" because we share language and part of culture, BUT we are different countries.

    As you say, your boyfriend´s surname is Martínez, it is typical spanish, as Díaz, Álvarez, González, Gómez, Pérez...

    Many people from USA think that Spain is in America near somewhere Mexico or something like this and that´s is a HUGE mistake.


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