
What do the anti-Muslim Americans think about Turkey?

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%99 of Turkish people are Muslims. Yet the country is not any different than western countries. Women don't wear scarves, there are strip clubs, abortion is legal, people are educated.. etc etc

Isn't Turkey the proof of it's not the religion what people make insane but it's their own insanity?




  1. no

  2. Religion IS insanity.

  3. Unfortunately, most "amaricuns" couldn't find Turkey on a map...let alone be aware that Turkey is part of  NATO (if they even know what nato is)...or  be able to fathom anything  that requires more than 10 seconds to explain...this is the state of the populace of the "worlds only superpower". .Just look at the answers you've received...LOL...arrogant, ignorant and pitiful at the same time.

    again many Vietnamese did the U.S kill? How many kids born with Defects because of AGENT ORANGE?  You have no business trying to take the moral high ground.....NONE AT ALL

  4. Americans are not anti muslim we are ant terrorist those are the ones we are killing as fast as we can when they come out of hiding If we were anti muslim the job would be easier

  5. It's not so much a particular religion that is the problem.  It's a matter of how dysfunctional a culture is.  Unfortunately, religion is a BIG enabler in dysfunctionality.  How else can you explain an otherwise normal person blowing themselves up in the name of God?  I have no problem with Turkey.  I bet Turkey is an okay place to live (especially if they have strip clubs).  Turkish prisons seem pretty scary though.  

  6. I don't like or dislike you based on your attire, choice of entertainment or even your views on abortion.  I base that decision on whether or not you'll blow up a bus load of innocents.

  7. Funny question. The anti-Muslim Americans do no think!

    Also - Iraq was like Turkey before the Gulf War. Very educated people.

  8. Turkish Muslims killed 600,000 Armenians between 1915 and 1917.  

  9. Turkey and provolone....mmmmmmm.

  10. I would say that's an anomaly. Right?

  11. Turkey is the exception, not the rule. Furthermore, there are some changes taking place in Turkey that in the next 15 to 20 years could place Turkey in the same club as Saudi Arabia, Libya, or any of the Muslim countries in terms of rights and freedoms, zero.

  12. Hi my friend,

    don't forget that The Turkish people are Muslims but The Republic of Turkiye has the secular state therefore the Turkish people are modernist people and the modernism not equal westernism(!!).

    btw for more info.about what happened in 1915 in Anatolia between two peoples (Turkish and Armenians) please check out these links.

    1) Dashnagtzoutiun Has Nothing To Do Anymore -Hovhannes Katchaznouni Manifesto

    The Manifesto of Hovhannes Katchaznouni

    First Prime Minister of the Independent Armenian Republic

    2) Russian Commander Lieutenant Colonel Tverdohlebov's Documents Reveal Armenian Terror Activities 1917-1918


    (Erzurum 1917-1918)


    3)An Approach to Armenian Question by Prof Justin McCarthy

    4) New Documents on Armenian Issue from Tsarist Archives (1914-1918) by Mehmet Perincek

  13. I think your premise is wrong to start with...  

    There are not a lot of "Anti-Muslim" Americans (no moreso than there are bigots against every "race" or "group" of people in the world).  There are on the other hand a LOT "Anti-RADICAL Islamists" Americans (i.e. Anti-Terrorist Americans).

    Let me explain this with an analogy - there are a lot of people out there that are worried about Iran right now.  They are not worried because Iran's populace is majority Muslim - they are worried because the Mullahs and Ahmadinejad who are leading the country right now ARE RADICALS!  

    Those who you may believe are "Anti-Muslim" simply because they support the WOT may surprise you when you actually take the time to listen.  We support the PEOPLE of these countries (like Iraq), and we don't appreciate their LEADERS making threats (like wiping Israel off the map).

    If you make assumptions about people's motives - assuming they are all bigots - you may miss part of the bigger picture.

  14. It's not muslims Americns hate. It's radical muslims. There is a BIG difference. Turkey is made up of moderate western thinking progressive muslims. Iran mullahs on the other hand are fascists bent on seeing that you lose your head cause your an infedel. See the difference there mahoney....

  15. I'm with Jill N !!  The Anit-Americans don't think.

  16. I'm Turkish, live in Turkey and have been to the US. Unlike what some other answerers think, there is not much difference between US and Turkey. In fact, in some cases TR is more liberal and free than US. For instance, abortion has never been an issue in Turkey. Racism is not a huge problem as it is in America, being a gun owner is not as popular as it is in America...

    Turkey has its own problems of course. But I agree with you. people should stop and think before they become an anti-*insert a religion or country name here*

    EDIT: hookem_h'S answer could not be any far from the point. Noone can be sure what happened in 1910s. Besides it was not Turkey but Ottoman Empire. Also Americans killed Native Americans, Brits stole people's land...etc etc History is history.

  17. Speaking of national sanity vs insanity. Look around you here. Are we truly a sane nation any more? The world despises us, we are mired in an endless conflict, we can't solve our simplest problems, our government is in this perpetual gridlock, and we've become an oligarchy or a plutocracy. Are we still the nation our forefathers dreamt of or are we traveling down the path followed by other great, but doomed, nations?

  18. yes,yes,yes...totally agreeing with you

  19. i like turkey sandwichs with mustard!

  20. 22 year old and Todd L,

    U R RIGHT!!!

  21. really do you think it is anything like the u.s?  CRAZY talk! go visit turkey and come back and post something. also, have you forgot about the armenian genocide?

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