
What do the chinese and vietnamese say about double simian lines?

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i am a viet/chinese male with double simian lines




  1. I couldn't find anything about the Viet and Chinese interpretations but I thought you might like this.

    Pamelah Tablak, Master Hand Analyst

    Simian Creases are not very common, under 20 percent of the population. To have one is more common. To have two is very rare, more in the 10% of fewer of the population.

    In the world of Hand Analysis, a Simian Crease is considered a Gift Marking. Gift Markings are line formations that mean extra potential talent. About 30 people of the population may have one. To have more than one, again, is a rarity. So immediately we know there aren't many people like you or to whom you can turn for role modeling.

    This Gift Marking combines the Head line (thinking) and Heart line (feelings). Because there is one line where normally there would be two, the person experiences both feelings and thoughts as one energy. Often a person with a Simian may not know what is meant by ‘feeling and thinking’ as separate experiences. You ask a feeling question, "How do you feel?" and get a thinking answer back, "I think I'm doing OK."

    Emotional Response

    Because it’s a flat line, there is an objective, flat emotional response mechanism in this person.

    Extremes and Intensity

    This a 180° line. Consequently, opposites are associated with it. Most often, the owner’s focus or response is either on or off. All or nothing. Black or white. Yes or no. It may be “work all night then sleep all day. “ This also gets demonstrated as intensity: when they do something, it may become their predominant focus. Nothing else may be of concern until they are done. Doing one thing at a time is comfortable. While eating you just eat – no phone calls. Interruptions are not preferred.


    Simian people have a lot of stamina. An owner of this marking may not understand why others go home when he/she is still working on a tight deadline. Simians could benefit from being cautious about judging others in this area.

    The Black Box Syndrome (miscommunication).

    Visualize a black box through which all words and tones of voice get filtered, in & out. That’s what it’s like for a person with a Simian Crease. For example, he may be communicating intensity but it gets heard as anger or frustration. The person hearing the communication acts as if the owner of the Simian Crease IS angry or frustrated. He may say, “I would like to go Hawaii on vacation.” Her interpretation may be, “We are going to Hawaii and it’s not up for discussion.”

    What I suggest is that the person with the Simian Crease ask the listener, “What did you hear me say?” and then listen as openly as possible for the listener’s words. This process is also effective when the Simian Crease person sees a response on the other person’s face or body language which he or she did not expect. “What do you think I said?” And then listen and draw out as much information from the other person as possible to gain clarity on the communication process.

    The communication goes both ways: incoming communication goes through the black box, too. The Simian’s listening may misinterpret the other person’s speaking. A Simian owner may respond to a friend's comments with what seems like intensity to the Simian but feels like anger to the friend.

    If you want something done, ask a Simian. If you want an intensity of focus, this is your man.

    I have seen maybe 10 or 15 double simian palms out of about 8000 pairs of hands I've read.

    Pamelah Tablak

    Master Hand Analyst

    Transformational Mentoring for People in Transition

    through Hand Analysis and Art Therapy



  2. gee i wish i knew what "simian lines" where.. because i'm sure i would have an oppion about them... i do [ have an oppion] about everything else !LOL ... i'm cursed !...ok , ok if its on the face i like it, i like it alot ! it  gives character.....

  3. Hello Anh Kia,

    A few years ago I have executed some psychology research on the simian line, and the results indicate that this palmar line construction appears to be related to weak 'emotion stability' (high scores on the Big Five dimension NEUROTICISM). You can read more details at my website:

    In the advanced handanalysis course on my website you will find more information about the (prenatal) development of the palmar lines (genetically related) and medical significance:

    And by the way, I also present a huge list of palm readers in the world (including 18 palm readers from Asia):

    Thanks for posting your question and best wishes from The Netherlands!

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