
What do the double triangles in the Key of Solomon represent?

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There are double triangles in the Key of Solomon which greatly resemble, in fact look exactly like the Star of David, but I think it's a safe bet that's not what they're supposed to be. So what do these double triangles represent?




  1. The Key of Solomon, Clavis Salomonis, is a medieval book on magic originally attributed to King Solomon. It is sometimes used as a grimoire.

    It is possible that the Key of Solomon inspired later works such as the Clavicula Salomonis ("The Lesser Key of Solomon") also called Lemegeton, although there are many differences between the books. What may have inspired the Lemegeton are the conjurations and rituals of purification, and in a less important way, the clothing and magic symbols.

    One of the many "magic circles" from the Key of Solomon.Several versions of the Key of Solomon exist, in various translations, and with minor or significant differences. Most manuscripts date to the 16th or 17th century, but a prototype in Greek still survives from the 15th century.

    The Seal of Solomon

    The seal of Solomon is the legendary scroll seal King Solomon apparently wore on his ring. It has been reconstructed here at the top right of the page. The symbol it displays became The Star of David – a very sacred Hebrew symbol.

    It is made up of two independent triangles superimposed over one another. It appears to encapsulate a symbolic meaning: As above in the heavens, so below on the ground. The triangle pointing downwards seems to represent what is sacred in the heavens. The triangle on the ground with its apex facing the heavens possibly symbolises sacred places on Earth.  Or as some new theorists believe, the triangle could be symbolising the secret meaning for the shape of the pyramid itself. One has to ask if this is perhaps another way of suggesting pyramids represent something sacred in the heavens: Stars?

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