When it supports pedaphilia?
In "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could", a thirteen-year-old girl recounts being fed alcohol and then having s*x with an adult woman; the incident is recalled fondly by the grown girl, who closes the monologue with the line, "If it was rape, it was good rape."
I seriously doubt it this question stays, look at one person that questioned the play.
In 2000, Robert Swope, a conservative contributor to the Georgetown university newspaper, The Hoya, wrote an article critical of the play. He suggested there was a contradiction between the promotion of rape awareness on V-Day and the scene "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could", where the rape of a 13-year-old girl by an older woman is described in positive terms. Outcry from the play's supporters resulted in Swope's being fired from the staff of the Hoya, before the piece was even run.