
What do the feminist enjoy about "The v****a Monologues, and why does it speak for the movement?

by Guest33859  |  earlier

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When it supports pedaphilia?

In "The Little Coochie Snorcher that Could", a thirteen-year-old girl recounts being fed alcohol and then having s*x with an adult woman; the incident is recalled fondly by the grown girl, who closes the monologue with the line, "If it was rape, it was good rape."

I seriously doubt it this question stays, look at one person that questioned the play.

In 2000, Robert Swope, a conservative contributor to the Georgetown university newspaper, The Hoya, wrote an article critical of the play. He suggested there was a contradiction between the promotion of rape awareness on V-Day and the scene "The Little Coochie Snorcher That Could", where the rape of a 13-year-old girl by an older woman is described in positive terms. Outcry from the play's supporters resulted in Swope's being fired from the staff of the Hoya, before the piece was even run.




  1. Now I'm not a feminist but the v****a Monologues disturbed me and honestly was quite boring.

    In my opinion A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, A Prayer was much better. It actually touched on issues women across the world face. It praised the good men out there and showed them in a good light as the people who stand up for a woman. It wasn't abrasive, it didn't use shock value, it laid out the facts and when it was over, the men and women left the theatre with a better understanding of some of the real suffering women go through in third world countries.

    This show was composed by the same woman but most of the pieces in it were written by other famous writers.

    v****a Monologues-Tacky, shock value entertainment

    A memory, A monologue, A rant , A prayer- Profoundly moving piece

  2. I have no idea. I've never seen/read it. It sounds appalling to me, quite frankly.

  3. And if that ridiculous story were about two males, the author would be in jail right now for disseminating child p**n.

  4. Personally I thought the v****a monologues was I don't appreciate the use of the "c" word.  To me, NO true feminist would condone such a thing.

  5. As in all groups, some people take it to extremes, and in this case, disgusting and wholly inappropriate extremes. If I was a feminist, the title alone would put me off, and I think it is the most disgusting title I have ever read and done solely to create a buzz and stir people up and be "naughty." The whole thing makes me ill, frankly.

  6. I remember when my Geology teacher made seeing the Vigina Monologues extra credit for the class...

    God I hate liberal brainwashing institutions...

  7. Some people like to be indoctrinated and entertained at the same time. It is incredible how messianic some women get about this garbage. I personally think its 3rd rate theatre, 3rd rate politics, and 3rd rate group psychotherapy. And yes, I have seen several of the scenes in full on Youtube.

  8. I'm still hoping for the day when somebody will do a version of "The Mangina Monologues." It will feature a bunch of neutered, PC feminist "male" college English professors speaking about how liberating it was for them when they learned about the fact that they were inherently rapists and that their penises were nothing but weapons of patriarchal oppression. At the end of each scene, the reader will receive a doggie biscuit and a pat on the head from a very homely, mannish looking Woman's Studies Prof.

  9. You forgot to close that quote, I don't know where what's inside the quotes ends!

  10. I never seen it.

    I always figured that I'd be a little freaked if my V started talking I dam sure don't want to see someone else's talk lol

  11. Feminists enjoy it, only because of the shock value of using the "V" word. If it was called "The High Heel Monologues" feminists would show little interest.

    This is similar to young teens who favor rock videos with extreme actions. Eventually they grow out of it, and one would hope feminists grow out of it too, although they seem to be rebellious teens forever.

  12. Wow, I didn't know that.

    I think the main reason women like the show is because it started a movement in which women could openly talk about their sexuality.

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